Lord of the flies small

Lord Of The Flies- Nikki Harsha

  • Chapter One

    Chapter One
    http://www.wikihow.com/Live-on-a-Deserted-IslandHere are 3 events that took place in chapter 1:
    `The p;ane carashed on the island, leaving only young boys stranded
    ~ Ralph becomes leader and him, Simon, and Jack go out exploring the island and try to kill a pig
    ~Ralph and Piggy find the conch shell which represents authority
  • Chapter Two

    Chapter Two
    http://survival.about.com/od/6/a/How-To-Make-A-Smoke-Signal-Rescue-Fire.htmChapter Two Main events:
    -Boys make a signal fire using Piggy's glasses
    - The littlun says he say a snake which they call a beastie
    - The boys set the tree tops on fire caused by their signal fire
    - One of the littluns goes missing when there is a fire
    -SImon faints on the beach
  • Chapter 3

    Chapter 3
    <a href='http://http://www.kbaer.com/2011/02/15/top-10-things-to-survive-a-deserted-island/' >http://www.kbaer.com/2011/02/15/top-10-things-to-survive-a-deserted-
    -Important Events From Chapter 3:
    Simon finds a tranquil area in the woods
    The littluns won't do anything other then play and eat
    Jack goes hunting for the pig
    Jack and Ralph have a dispute over priorities and the lack of help on building shelters and Jack only hunting
  • Chapter 4

    Chapter 4
    10 must haves on a deserted island
    Important Events of Chapter 4
    -Roger wrecks the littluns sand castles
    -A boat is seen out at sea
    - The boys don't get rescued because they let the signal fire go out while they were hunting
    -Jack kills a pig with his hunters
    - Jack and Ralph argue over what needs to be done and Ralph calls a meeting
  • Chapter 5

    Chapter 5
    Main Events of Chapter 5:
    -Ralph calls a meeting and talks about the boys not fullfilling their duties
    -Maurice claimed to have seen the beast
    -They say the beast came up from the water.
    -Ralph, Piggy and simon are left with the littluns
  • Chapter 6

    Chapter 6
    Air warfareMain Events of Chapter 6:
    -Planes are battling overhead
    -A dead parachutist falls to the island
    - The boys think the parachutist is a beast
    -The boys find the castle
  • Chapter 7

    Chapter 7
    What is bravery?Main Events:
    -Simon reassures Ralph he will get off the island ok
    -The group nearly kills Robert while reenacting the pig hunt
    -Ralph, Roger and Jack climb the mountain and see the beast at night which is really only the dead captain and his parachute
  • Chapter 8

    Chapter 8
    HallucinationsMain Events:
    -Jack tries to overthrow Ralph but no one listens
    - Jack starts his own tribe and is leader of the biguns who joined him
    -Simon hallucinates and thinks the pig head talks to him and Jack put the pig head out as an offering to the beast
  • Chapter 9

    Chapter 9
    Mob Mentality
    Main Events:
    - Jack's tribe has a feast and Ralph's group joins
    - Jack and Ralph argue about who should be chief and the conch's power
    - Simon figures out the beast is just the dead pilot and his parachute
    -Simon tires to warn the others but they trample him and Simon gets trampled, dies, and drifts out to sea
    - The pilot comes down form the mountain and the boys think its the beast
  • Chapter 10

    Chapter 10
    How to make fire without using the glasses
    Main Events of Chapter 10:
    -Piggy and Ralph try to decide if Simon's death was an accident or they murdered him
    -Jack is punishing boys for no reason
    -The boys are loosing interest in the signal fire
    -Jack's boys attack Ralph and his group and they steal Piggy's glasses
    -Jack's group wants fire desperately
  • Chapter 11

    Chapter 11
    Dealing with a SociopathMain Events of Chapter 11:
    -Roger pushes a boulder on top of Piggy and the conch; Piggy dies
    -Jack takes Samneric forcefully from Ralph's tribe
    -Jack and Ralph fight about authority
  • Chapter 12

    Chapter 12
    Being rescued from a deserted islandChapter 12 Main Events:
    -Samneric warn Ralph about Jacks plans
    -Jack's tribe hunts for Ralph
    - Jack starts the forest on fire to smoke Ralph out
    - Boys get saved by a Naval officer who finds Ralph