
"Stamped-Mankin Mui"

  • 1415

    Prince Henry(Chapter 1)

    Prince Henry(Chapter 1)
    He was the one who imprisoned people of color or the Muslims because he was jealous of their riches. Not only that he managed to convince his Father whose name was king john to allow him to Imprison these people. He also did so he could then get their riches and take all for himself. (22)
  • 1415

    Gomes Eanes de Zurara(The world first racist)(Chapter 1)

    Gomes Eanes de Zurara(The world first racist)(Chapter 1)
    He was considered to be the First Racism or in which case he was the one who started it and it also explained how he bragged about people who were enslaved. He was able to support/help prince henry. He also made a book that made Africans despise themselves. (23-27)
  • 1415

    John Cotton(Chapter 2)

    John Cotton(Chapter 2)
    John was a minister and he started a church. It had a system just like Richard Mathers as I mentioned before John Cotton also had a system. A system that was similar to Richard Mathers. What is that you may ask. Well, the systems that both of them had made were the system of education and learning.(32-33)
  • 1415

    Richard Mather(Chapter 2)

    Richard Mather(Chapter 2)
    He almost died while sailing through a storm but just like john cotton he created a church and he was also a minister. Oh, I almost forgot we can't forget that he made a church where they followed certain structures in how it was formed, or another way to put it he had a system. That system was the system of education. (32-33)
  • 1415

    Aristotle (Chapter 2)

    Aristotle (Chapter 2)
    He was the master of both john cotton and Richard Mather he was a famous greek philosopher and not only that he believed that the people of greek were superior to other races. (33-34)
  • 1415

    First Known African Racist(Chapter 1)

    First Known African Racist(Chapter 1)
    The First Known Racist name was al-Hason Ibn Muhammad al-Wazzen al-Fasi who was a well-educated Morrocan. al-Hasan Ibn Muhammad al-Wazzen al-Fasi was enslaved while he was journeying along the Mediterranean seas. He was later freed by someone who was named pope Leo X who converted him over to Christianity. He was renamed, Johannes Leo. He was the one who echoed Zurara's name which makes him the first african racist.(26-27)
  • Period: 1415 to

    History of Racism and Antiracism

  • Richard Baxter(Chapter 3)

    Richard Baxter(Chapter 3)
    He believed in enslavement. He said that slavery was helpful. That some of them even went as far as to be "Voluntary Slaves". Just so they could get baptized or cleansed. (Ok is he crazy I mean voluntary slaves *sigh looks like we got a lunatic.) (39)
  • Edward Randolph(Chapter 4)

    Edward Randolph(Chapter 4)
    He was the one who went to see the damage done by the hero metacomet who was the indigenous war hero. He went and reported it back to the current king who was named Charles the second. (This was the king at that time). (Pg 48)
  • Nathniel Bacon(Chapter 3)

    Nathniel Bacon(Chapter 3)
    He was the one who tried to disrupt the power of the governor. By having both races black and white to unite against/rebel against the governor. But he didn't try to do it because he was concern about slavery he did it because he was concerned about the class. (43)
  • Cotton Maters(Chapter 4)

    Cotton Maters(Chapter 4)
    He was the grandson of both Richard Mathers and john cotton. He created a book that created an invisible enemy. That made the African an, even more, despise race. He did this because he was afraid that the British elites would bring on a revolution. He was also a Harvard student at 11. He was born on 2/12/1663(Pg 46)(Pg 49)
  • The Glourous Revalution(Chapter 4)

    The Glourous Revalution(Chapter 4)
    This started in the year 1688 and this was also the reason why Cotton Mathers created a so-called invisible villain as a distraction. He did it so it would calm everyone down. Cotton Mathers did this by writing a book. That book made African even more dispersed. (Pg 49)
  • The antislavery petition(Chapter 3)

    The antislavery petition(Chapter 3)
    This was started so it could then stop slavery. However, that wasn't what happened. What happened was that when they tried to stop slavery. It just got worse for the slaves because of something we call racism. So guess what happened they decided to shut them down because they didn't like there bickering.(40-41)
  • Enlightment era(Chapter 5)

    Enlightment era(Chapter 5)
    The enlightenment era was started around 1700 hundred and note this all started after cotton mather's death. The movement was started by the person who is on the hundred dollar bill and his name was benjamin franklin. This era was made for smart white people. (pg 57)
  • Thomas Jeffersan(Chapter 5)

    Thomas Jeffersan(Chapter 5)
    He was one of the first persons to acknowledge Africans and didn't consider them as lower people. He was one of the people to consider Africans to be normal. He never cared about slavery or anything like that. He also decided to study antiracism.(Pg 57-Pg 58)
  • Philles Wheatly (Chapter 5)

    Philles Wheatly (Chapter 5)
    She was an educated African female. She wrote poems and was able to read Greek and Latin when she was twelve years old(Wow talk about well educated anyway let's get back to the rest of it). She wrote a book but she wasn't able to publish it. Why you may ask because of the trash laws and racism. (Pg 59-Pg 60)
  • Three-Fifths Compromise(Chapter 8)

    Three-Fifths Compromise(Chapter 8)
    This was made when the north was annoyed with the south because the south had more power because they treated slaves as normal citizens. But north went like screw you and was like how about no. But this was because the north didn't have a lot of slaves so this was why they created the 5 slaves=3 slaves. (73)
  • The Great Compromise(Chapter 8)

    The Great Compromise(Chapter 8)
    This was what created the House and the senate. There were 2 senators per state. The house was solely based on population. The Bigger the population the more representatives there would be. So that could then make the state fight over intrests. However, like how everything had a positive side there always a negative. The negative was that it caused problems for states mainly for the Northern and southern states and that problem was that they could keep count of slaves. (72-72)
  • French Revolution/Hantian Revolution(Chapter 8)

    French Revolution/Hantian Revolution(Chapter 8)
    This was when the slaves rose up in order to fight against the french rules this started with the revolt of the french. But then it spread to Haiti where half a million of them rose up against this as well. Where later Haiti would win. This would then inspire slaves to stand and rise up and fight. (75)
  • Robert Finly(Chapter 10)

    Robert Finly(Chapter 10)
    He was the one who created the ACS also known as the American Colonization Society. It is meant for black people to be trained to take care of themselves. So that they could return back to Africa. However black people didn't want that because America was their new home and they didn't want to go back. (81)
  • Slave Trade Act(Chapter 10)

    Slave Trade Act(Chapter 10)
    The was started by Thomas Jefferson when he became the president of the united states. The goal was to stop the import of Africa to the Carribians into America. Sounds nice right. However, whenever there is a positive there's always a negative. That negative was that it didn't stop slavery. Instead, it made it worse. How you may ask well let me tell you. Well, the act turned out to be paper-thin and well boys and girls we got bamboozled.(82-83)
  • David Walker(Chapter 11)

    David Walker(Chapter 11)
    He was just like Garrison someone or to put bluntly he was someone who also wanted to abolish slavery, The 2 of them did eventually meet(This is talking about how Garrison and David did eventually meet). However, before they were able to mess up the stupid and messed up thing we call slavery. Walker died of Tuberculosis. (pg 96)
  • William Lloyd Garrison(Chapter 11)

    William Lloyd Garrison(Chapter 11)
    He was part of ACS which btw was started by Robert Finley(This was mention in chapter 10). However unlike the ACS who btw wanted to bring the slaves back to Africa. Garrison wanted to abolish slavery and get rid of it for good. (This was on Pg 95)(Oh and if you wanted to know why I use btw(Stands for by the way) it was just so I could write more and not run out of space).
  • Nat Turner(Chapter 11)

    Nat Turner(Chapter 11)
    He disagreed with the plan(I meant he disagreed with the idea of gradual equality.) Instead, he believed that God had sent him down so that he could free the slaves from their slave owners. Setting them out for freedom. So children and guardians wouldn't have to suffer any longer. It did kind of work there was just a lot of bloodshed. But in the end, it failed because nat turner got caught and then he got hanged to death. (98)
  • Samuel Morton(Chapter 12)

    Samuel Morton(Chapter 12)
    He was a "Scientist" who said that white people had a bigger skull which meant they were smarter. How did he do this well he did it by measuring a person's skull.(uhhhhhhhhh)Anyway, how can you no how could you even say that. But then again hey at least you made a meme by being so "smart".
  • John C. Calhoun(Chapter 12)

    John C. Calhoun(Chapter 12)
    He was a senator from the south Carlina. He was fighting for texas to become a state for slaves in 1844. He was doing this during the time he was trying to get into the office. But he was upset at the fact that they were even considering to end slavery. So he decided to drop out on the elections. (102)
  • Fredrick Douglass(Chapter 12)

    Fredrick Douglass(Chapter 12)
    He made a book talking about his life as a slave. The book included many horror stories. It also included his experience as a slave. It also included his life as a slave as well as the details of what he been through. This all happened around 1845. (103)
  • Abraham Lincoln(Chapter 13)

    Abraham Lincoln(Chapter 13)
    He was someone who was similar to Thomas Jefferson in the sense that he was also playing the game of being on different sides. (This was surprising). Another thing is that lincoln never actually made it in the senate race on his first time he actually failed much time as in he constantly lost. (Hey at least there some positivity in this)(110-111)
  • Jefferson Davis (Chapter 13)

    Jefferson Davis (Chapter 13)
    He was the second voted president who didn't want slavery to be abolished or destroyed. He was the second elected president or to put in another way he was the false leader. So starts the civil war to decide if slavery should be abolished. (114)
  • The Civil War(Chapter 13)

    The Civil War(Chapter 13)
    This was when the Slaves decided to rise up against the slave owner. How did they do that you may ask well they moved to the north. This was all started in the year 1861 and was it was around the summertime. The civil war lasted a total of 4 years and it ended in April of 1865. (114,117)
  • Thaddeus Stevens(Chapter 14)

    Thaddeus Stevens(Chapter 14)
    He was arguing to give slaves some sort of land. However, to the other(I'm referring to white people of that time) the very idea of that was dangerous. Want to know the reason why they didn't want to give black people land. Well, it's simple. They thought black people were incapable of taking land. Like one of the arguments was that how will they know how to take care of the land. Like uh, what. (120)
  • Andrew Johnson(Chapter 14)

    Andrew Johnson(Chapter 14)
    He was the one who decided to break down all the progress made for black lives. Or another way to put it he decided to make laws against black lives. The laws would quickly evolve into the Jim Crow laws(hmmm sounds like someone's name interesting). Oh and this all happened after Lincoln's death btw just to give some context.(119)
  • Amendment(Chapter 14)

    Amendment(Chapter 14)
    This was started on 2/3/1870 it was what allowed people of color or black people to vote. However, even though it allowed them to vote. It never stated that black people would be protected. There's another thing. It also never stated the voting requirements. This means you could all of a sudden make a person not vote since the voting requirements weren't stated. (121-122)
  • The Prosser(Chapter 10)

    The Prosser(Chapter 10)
    The Prosser were the ones who planned a revolt or more accurately a rebellion against the slaveholders. The revolt was scheduled and planned for 8/30/1880. However, the revolt never happened. The reason why this never happened was that some of the slaves decided to snitch. When that happened one of the prosser named Gabriel was hanged to death. (79-80)