
The Hobbit By: J.R.R. Tolkien

  • Chapter 1: An Unexpected Party

    Chapter 1: An Unexpected Party
    Durring this chapter, Bilbo Baggins(an odd creature) is sitting and enjoying a pipe on his porch when his good fried Gandalf comes into town. He invited Gandalf for a cup of tea the next day, but Gandalf brings his 12 homeless dwarf companions along with him, and they convince Bilbo to come with them on an adventure, although Bilbo is not the adventuring type. :)
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    The Hobbit, The book

  • Chapter 2: Roast Mutton

    Chapter 2: Roast Mutton
    They have only just began their journey, when they come across a campfire with three goblins relaxing in front of it. They have lots of extra food and that is what the band is needing, so they decide to let Bilbo go and steal some. Now, Goblins are not all that smart, but they hear Bilbo, and grab him by his curly hair! Suddenly, the dwarves go to help him, but apparently, Gandalf's got them covered. he turns them to stone and they continue their journey.
  • Chapter 3: A Short Rest

    Chapter 3: A Short Rest
    Durring this chapter, the group gets some vauable rest, and although nothing much happens, they stayed at an elf valley for two weeks. They meet an eceptionally nice elf named Elrond, who gives them nice meals and a place to stay. :)
  • Chapter 4: Over Hill and Under Hill

    Chapter 4: Over Hill and Under Hill
    This is quite an important chapter. The crowd has left Elrond's House. They are pretty far up a mountian when it begins to storm like crazy! They need shelter, so they ask Fili and Kili (two drarves) to find a safe cave, so they do, and even Gandalf approves it. until the middle of the night, when a small crack in the wall splits, and TONS of bad Goblins come out and escort them all to their headquarters under the mountians. The Goblins steal their ponies that they were riding on, along with all
  • Chapter 4:Over hill and Under Hill (continued...)

    (It wasn't letting me type anymore! :o) they stole their ponies, and all of their food, too. :/ Although Gndalf was trapped out of their lair, he is a wizard, so somehow he got in. He blew the torches out, killed the main Goblin and Bilbo scrambled onto a dwarf's back and they ran away, quickly, the goblins lit the torches back, and they were chasing them! Bilbo falls off of their back, and is left alone! :o
  • Chapter 5: Riddles in the Dark

    Chapter 5: Riddles in the Dark
    It is pitch black where Bilbo is (once he becomes concious) , and he can't even see his own hand in his face! So, he uses his hands to feel to underground tunnels, but he sees a little bit more when he sees an underground lake. But, he stumbles across a weird creature named Gollum. Gollum is weird and talks in third-person, with akward mumbles,too. Bilbo wants the way out, and Gollum wants to ask them riddles, and if he losses, he will basically get eaten by this creepy thing, or he will get out
  • Chapter 5: Riddles in the dark (continued)

    Gollum and Bilbo begin challenging each other to harder and harder riddles, But, Bilbo found an odd object on the floor, and puts it in his pocket. He asks Gollum what is in my pocket? And Gollum has no clue! Bilbo won! Turns out the odd object was a majic invisibility ring! So, he slips out without a problem! :)
  • Chapter 6: Out of the Frying Pan and into the Fire

    Chapter 6: Out of the Frying Pan and into the Fire
    Durring this chapter, The band, and Gandalf are continuing their journey, but they stumble across a pack of evil wolves, and Goblins together!They were both mean and angrey, so they chased them up trees,but the HUGE Eagles came down and swooped and grabbed them and saved them! :)
  • Chapter 7: Queer Lodgings

    In this chapter they meet a kind shape-shifter named Beron. He lets them stay for a short bit, and they tell him all of their story, and he allows them to borrow ponies until they reach the forests. :)
  • Chapter 8: Flies and Spiders

    Chapter 8: Flies and Spiders
    In this chapter, They enter the worst part of their journey, The forest! :o Their first encounter is with this awful river. If you fall in, you are messed up forever, all you will want to do is sleep! But then these horrible spiders that are bigger than we are came up to them! They capture and cocoon all the dwarves. Bilbo eventully uses his knife/sword and gets rid of the spiders, and then frees his friends! :D But, is then capured by the bad elves. :/
  • Chapter 9: Barrels out of Bond

    Chapter 9: Barrels out of Bond
    For months, Bilbo never took off that ring, he had to stay invisible. They had locked up the dwarves, but not Bilbo! Eventully, Bilbo came up with a plan! They would ride the barrels out the gates and down the river! :)
  • Chapter 10: A Warm Welcome

    In this chapter, they continue to float in the barrels, but are greeted by lake-men, at first they don't get it,but then they begin to honor them like heros, because they will go and kill the mean dragon, Smaug. :o
  • Chapter 11: On the Doorstep

    This Chapter will give away the ending!!! :O
  • Chapter 12: Inside Information

  • Chapter 13: Not at Home

    This Chapter will give away the ending!!! :O
  • Chapter 14: Fire and Water

    This Chapter will give away the ending!!! :O
  • Chapter 15: The Gathering of the Clouds

    This Chapter will give away the ending!!! :O
  • Chapter 16: A Theif in the Night

    This Chapter will give away the ending!!! :O
  • Chapter 17: The Clouds Burst

    This Chapter will give away the ending!!! :O
  • Chapter 18: The Return Journey

    This Chapter will give away the ending!!! :O
  • Chapter 19:The Last Stage

    This Chapter will give away the ending!!! :O But, there is a happy ending... :D