World map2

World History A Final Project

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    Rise of Augustus- Chapter 5

    Rise of Augustus- Chapter 5
    -In 27 BC, Augustus became emperor
    -The rise of Augustus was important because it led Rome to a time of peace and prosperity.
    -His effect was that he made many reforms to strengthen the empire, by granting citizenship to people in rpovinces, created efficeint civil service, and high level jobs were openeed to many new men.
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    Alexander the Great- Chapter 4

    Alexander the Great- Chapter 4
    -Alexander felt strong after he had defeated past Greeks, that he took on the Persian Empier.
    -This event was important because when Alexander took on the Persians, it had shown Alexander's power
    -Alexander's effect was that he had assembled a largy and well-equipped army, that defeated the Persian army and liberated the Greek cities of Asia Minor.
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    Peloponnesian War- Chapter 4

    Peloponnesian War- Chapter 4
    -In 431 BC, there had been a dispute between Athens and Corinth, which had flared into an open conflict, then a Spartan army marched north into Attica and surronded Athens.
    -Its long lastic effect was that te fighting had dragged on for 27 more years, and with help, Sparta could have ended Athens, but finally spared them.
    -I chose this event because it showed the true relationship between Sparta and Athens, and because these wars were very important in Athentian history
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    The Rise of Odoacer- Chapter 6

    The Rise of Odoacer- Chapter 6
    -Odoacer, a German chief, caprtured Rome and forced the emperor to give up the throme
    -The effect of Odoacer taking over the throne was that then Germanic tribes sacked the western empire which led to its downfall.
    -I chose this event because when the German officer took power, it had led to the fall of the western half of the Roman Empire.
  • Astronomical Discovery - Chapter 17

    Astronomical Discovery - Chapter 17
    -Johannes Kepler announced that the planets move in another kind of orbit, called an elipse; he also announced that, like Copernicus, the earth and other planets traveled around the sun.
    -When Kepler announced his theory, it affected Galileo's studys and led to him inventing the telescope, and observing Kepler's theories and proving them
    -I believe that this discovery was very important becasue it allowed Galileo to thrive in his studies and inventions, and led to a much greater understanding.
  • Newton's Natural Laws- Chapter 17

    Newton's Natural Laws- Chapter 17
    -Issac Newton published "The Mathematical Principles of Natural Philosophy,"
    -The effect of his book is that he used mathematical proofs of Galileo's observations, and it also led to a greater understanding of how our world works.
    -This was very important becasue it was a huge scientific discovery, and changed how we view the world around us.
  • The Glorious Revolution- Chapter 18

    The Glorious Revolution- Chapter 18
    -This was a time of religous deliverance and political conquest, due to the changing of religion in the monarchy from Catholocism to Protestantism, also when William came to drive out James II from England.
    -This revolution's long lasting effect was that it had ended in the first joint monarchs to rule England: William and Mary.
    -I chose this becasue the revolution changed the main revolution of England, and England's government.
  • The Stamp Act- Chapter 18

    The Stamp Act- Chapter 18
    -This act taxed items from newspapers, wiills, to dice and playing cards.
    -Its effect was that it had angered the American colonies because only the Europeans were used to these outrageous taxes.
    -This act was very important and I chose it because it was a big deal to the colonists and affected our governemnt today
  • March on Versailles- Chapter 19

    March on Versailles- Chapter 19
    -A Paris crowd, which was led by thousands of women marched in to Versailles, due to the high prices on food and they had thought the king and queen were plotting against the National Assembly.
    -The effect of this event was that they demanded Louis XVI and his family to move to Paris, to prevent violence, and he agreed.
    -This event was very important because it showed how much power the people had, and the power of the women.
  • Egypt Vs. France- Chapter 25

    Egypt Vs. France- Chapter 25
    -In 1805, Muhammad Ali led the Egyptains to go against the French.
    -The effect of this interaction between the two people, was that the French were finally seized and their control over the county finally ended, and also Ali led reforms in Egypt.
    -I chose this event because it was one of the most important events that really led to the independence of Egypt, and the new reforms that were introduced, had changed Egypt for the better.
  • The Invasion of Russa- Chapter 19

    The Invasion of Russa- Chapter 19
    Napoleon's army had invaded Russia, and being ignorant owards Russia's geography and weather, it led to the death of many of his men and the defeat of the French.
    -The importance of this invasion and defeat, and why I chose it, was that it gave an example of what not to do for future invasions and emperors.
    -The effect of this invasion was that it began the downfall of Napoleon, because people began to lose trust in him.
  • The Independence of Belgium- Chapter 20

    The Independence of Belgium- Chapter 20
    -Riots broke out in Brussels, and the Belgians defeated a Dutch army and won Britain and France's support.
    -The effects of these riots led Austria, Prussia, and Russia to sign a treaty and recognize Belgium as an independent nation.
    -The reason why I chose this event is because it is so important to how Belgian gained its importance, and its path to independence.
  • Reform Bill of 1832- Chapter 23

    Reform Bill of 1832- Chapter 23
    -A major political reform bill was passed by Parliament, which extended suffrage, the right to vote, to all middle-calss men.
    -Its effected was that it allowed 20% of the men to be able to vote, and it set the regiment for today's government.
    -This bill was very important, because the right to vote is very important and it had truly revolutionized our government, and it set the pathway for us to have the right to vote.
  • The Factory Acts- Chapter 23

    The Factory Acts- Chapter 23
    -Additional Factory Act laws were passed to protect workers
    -Its effect was that it hadh limited the number of hours a person could work and protected working women and children, and really helped the factory workers in England.
    -This event was very important because the factory workers, including the women and childre, were treated very badly and when this act was passed, it showed a very important stand by the government in helping the people.
  • The Opium War- Chapter 26

    The Opium War- Chapter 26
    -This was a war between the British and the Chinese, becasue when the Chinese ended the opium trade, the British responded with military.
    -I chose this event because this war began the European Imperialism, and it was important because it showed the importance and effect trade had on Europe and Asia.
    -This war was caused because of unfair trade of opium, because this trade drained Chinese silverm and then the Chinese ended this trade, so it led to war.
  • Revolts in Vienna- Chapter 20

    Revolts in Vienna- Chapter 20
    -News of the overthrowing of Louis Philippe in France spread and led to an uprisng in Vienna, and univerty students joined by workers and middle-classed liberals poured into the streets.
    -Its effect was that it led to more revolts erupting in other parts of the Austrian Empire.
    -I chose this event because it was so important, and it had showed how much the actions of different nations can affect other nations, and also that university students are very knowlagable and are also affected.
  • The Crimean War- Chapter 24

    The Crimean War- Chapter 24
    -Count Cavour saw the breaking out of the Crimean War, as achance to win the allies he needed to drive Austria out of Italy, and so Sardinia entered the war of French & Britian against Russia.
    -The effect of Sardinia entering the Crimean war was that when Count Cavour took part in the peace onference, and it used this oppurtunity to publicize the demand for Italian Unification.
    -I chose this important event because it truly led to Italy's Unification, and the war finally drove out Austria.
  • The Sepoy Rebellion- Chapter 26

    The Sepoy Rebellion- Chapter 26
    -There had been differet rebellions that occured by the Sepys, in the upper Gangetic plain and central India.
    -These rebellions were caused by rumors that bullet cartridges used by the sepoys were greased with beef or pork fat, which angered the Hindus, because of the beef, and the Muslims, because of the pork.
    -I chose this event because it was one of the first main rebellions, and it had led to the British taking back India becasuse the British supressed the rebellion.
  • Darwin's New Theory- Chapter 22

    Darwin's New Theory- Chapter 22
    -Darwin publishes "The Origin of the Species," in 1859.
    -In his publication, he presented a theory of evolution; acoording to his theory, Darwin states that all forms of life evolve, or change, over a long period of time,
    -This event was very important because this theory of evolution reovolutionized science, and it has changed how we study and understand how we have come to be here on Earth, and how we study evolution.
  • The Unification of Italy- Chapter 24

    The Unification of Italy- Chapter 24
    -A parliament that represented Italy, met and they then procalimed the kingdom of Italy as a unified land then granted Victor Emmanuel the crown of Italy.
    -This event was very importnat because it was the date when Italy was unified, and this became the start of the new Italian age.
    -Its effect was that when the parliament met, it led to finally the unification of the country, and it also had an effect on nationalism because it had made the Italians much prouder in their unified land.
  • Invention of the Telephone- Chapter 21

    Invention of the Telephone- Chapter 21
    -Alexander Graham Bell had invented the telephone, which revolutionized communication.
    -It had revolutionized communication.
    -I chose this event because it truly had revolutionized our world today, and communication, and led the pathway for future inventors that made the telephone better.
  • Invention of the Lightbulb- Chapter 21

    Invention of the Lightbulb- Chapter 21
    -Thomas Edison had invented the phonograph, the incandescent light bulb, and an electric generating plant.
    -This invention revolutionized technology and electricity.
    -I chose this invention because it was so important in everyday life, and it was very important in technology and science.
  • Berlin Conference- Chapter 25

    Berlin Conference- Chapter 25
    -In this conference, European nations including France, Portugal, Germany, Spain, Britain, Italy, and Belgium met and discussed Africa and European colonies.
    -The main effect of this conference was that they met and drew boundary lines on Africa, dividing the continent among themsevles.
    -This event was one of the most important because it truly had an effect on how Africa was divided, and it also angered many African people, which later led to arguments and fights.
  • Marie Curie's Discoveries- Chapter 22

    Marie Curie's Discoveries- Chapter 22
    -After many years of radioactive studies, the Curies had finally discovered two new elements: radium and polonium.
    -The effect of this scientific disovery was very revolutionary and at the time it was incredible and it changed the Curie's life, also their was a new element named Curium.
    -This event was very important and I chose it because it inspired many other scientists to continue with their discoveries and studies, and it had also helped in new scientific discoveries in the future.