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Lord of The Flies Mitch Bryngelson

  • Chapter One

    Chapter One
    Surviving on an Island A plane crashed onto an island and the boys on the plane survived.
    A boy named Ralph was elected as the leader of all the boys.
    The main choice of food they have on the island is pigs.
  • Chapter Two

    Chapter Two
    Forrest Fire
    The boys found out that they are indeed on island.
    A littlun claims to have seen a beastie snake thing.
    The boys built a fire on top of the mountain and it spread.
  • Chapter Three

    Chapter Three
    Jack and the choir go pig hunting, and Jack goes off alone after they head back to the beach.
    Jack says he feel like he is being hunted when he is in the woods.
    Ralph yells at Jack for hunting all day while he has to build huts.
  • Chapter Four

    Chapter Four
    Roger destroys the littluns sand castles, and throws rocks close to Henry.
    Jack, the choir, and the twins surrounded a pig and killed it.
    There was a ship off in the distance but the the twins let the fire go out because they went hunting.
  • Chapter Six

    Chapter Six
    When Sam and Eric were watching the fire they claim to have seen a beast with wings and claws.
    The bigguns came across a cave that Ralph didn't care for but Jack to an interest to.
    Up by the cave the boys were so amused that they forgot about the beast even though they went up the mountain to look for it.
  • Chapter Five

    Chapter Five
    Jack called the littluns cry babies and sissies for fearing a beast.
    A littlun who says he saw the beast said it came from the water.
    Jack told Ralph to shut up, that he doesn't have the right to tell people what to do.
  • Chapter Seven

    Chapter Seven Simon tells Ralph that he'll get back to where he came from.
    Ralph thinks of his home and his Mummy and Daddy.
    Ralph peared a pig and was very excited about it which isn't like him.
  • Chapter Eight

    Chapter Eight
    Ralph tell the others how Jack, Roger and himself saw the beast on the mountain.
    Ralph calls Jack's hunters "boys With armed sticks."
    Jack runs off in the woods by himself when nobody wants him to be chief.
    Simon finds out the dead pig head on a spear is the Lord of The Flies.
  • Chapter Nine

    Chapter Nine
    Jack has began to wave his spear in the air when he gives commands to his tribe members.
    Jack and his hunters do a death dance around the fire.
    During their dance Simon quietly walks out of the woods and they mistake him for the beast and kill him with their spears.
  • Chapter Ten

    Chapter Ten
    Fire SignalPiggy tries to convince Ralph that Simon was accidentally murderd because people were scared.
    Eric was refering to the fire for a signal and said "what's the good?"
    Jack and his hunters break into Ralph and Piggy's shelter,
    beat them up and steal Piggy's glasses.
  • Chapter Twelve

    Chapter Twelve
    British Navy
    Jack and his hunters look for Ralph in the forrest to find him and kill him.
    All Ralph has it a double sharpened pole for protection, he is smoked out of the woods by the hunters because they purpousley set the woods on fire.
    Ralph runs down the beach away from the hunters and runs into a Navy officer who saw the smoke and asked Raplh if they were playing a game.
  • Chapter Eleven

    Chapter Eleven
    Decreased VisionWith Piggy's glasses gone he can barley see but he walks up to Castle Rock carrying the conch.
    Ralph and Jack got into a fight but didn't try to really kill each other.
    Roger pushed a huge boulder down the hill and it hit Piggy and killed him and shattered the conch.