Long Term Goal Setting

By ihass
  • SMART Goal

    S- I will own my own Apartment in North Carolina.
    M- I will save $5,000.
    A- I will save 5,000 byfinding a second job while in college and setting aside a good portion of my paychecks.
    R- I would be leaving Iowa and I would be able to see all my friends from home, or my dads side of the my family, but I would be new people and I would become more independent. Plus I would be closer to my sister.
    T- This will take 5 years.
  • Step 1- Look into job availabilities

    Before I make a decision on where I move I will need to see if there are any jobs available and where they are located.
  • Step 2- Apply for Jobs

    I will apply to multiple jobs before I make a firm decision.
  • Step 3- Budget/ save

    I will budget and save my money. After I search the average prices of housing I will apply for possible loans and start to budget my money.
  • Step 4- Find housing

    I will find an apartment to live at and base it off of my future income, my savings, the benefits and the location.
  • Step 5- Move

    I will minimize my things and decide the cheapest way of moving to North Carolina, which will probably be by driving multiple cars or by myself.
  • Step 6- Settle in

    I will have fully moved in at this point and I would have already figured out my living and work situation. I would be starting to put my apartment together.