Línea del tiempo

  • Day of three Kings

    Day of three Kings
    I like this day because I love to eat king's coil.
  • Period: to

    My favourite year

  • My birthday

    My birthday
  • Birthday of my sister.

    Birthday of my sister.
  • Day of the child

    Day of the child
  • I went to the cinema to seeing the movie " the avengers 2 "

    I went to the cinema to seeing the movie " the avengers 2 "
  • I went to the cinema to seeing the movie "Jurassic Park"

    I went to the cinema to seeing the movie "Jurassic Park"
  • I went to the cinema to seeing the movie "Ant man"

    I went to the cinema to seeing the movie "Ant man"
  • I played in Basquetból's championship

    I played in Basquetból's championship
  • Day of independence in Mexico. I was to giving the shout.

    Day of independence in Mexico. I was to giving the shout.
  • Day of evaluation

    Day of evaluation