Linea de tiempo.

  • Be born

    Be born
    My parents having planned to have a child at that time, then I arrived and they had to organize their life, buy things for the baby that was on the way. My mom and my dad had bought a crib before of that I was born.
  • Education

    My parents were looking for a school because it was already recommended that I go to a school so they looked for one.Before entering school, we had bought the school uniform.
  • My brother

    My brother
    My parents want another child, I deduce that they wanted a girl, but life was not planned, that is what my brother gave them.
  • Christening

    My parents believe in the Catholic religion and like all parents they wanted their son to follow their religion.I had borned of that they baptized me
  • Sport

    My parents want me to train some sport, my father wanted soccer and my mother basketball. I had played soccer before of that i interested in basketball.
  • Dog

    My family wanted another member in the family, but they didn't want another son so they gave us a parrot which we named Tommy.We had bought the food of dog before they gave us the dog.
  • Graduation

    The year of 2015 was passing and I was in the course of 5 and there is graduating from elementary school.I had graduated from grade 5 before moving on to grade 6.
  • Death

    My grandmother has colon cancer so she underwent this operation, but she had a heart attack during the operation and she did not survive. My grandmother had deathed before I could say goodbye.
  • "Love"

    It was at the time when the women were "upset" and seized her, the secondary effect was what humans know as "love". I had inspired love before getting a girlfriend 2017
  • Course

    I was very bored on the end of the year holidays so I asked my mom what I could do and she suggested a quote, so I chose a math course..Before entering grade 10, i had studyed a math course.