
Lifetime Personal Health

  • My 20s

    My 20s
    Diet: I will focus on important nutrients, including calcium, potassium, healthy omega-3 fats, and folic acid. I will get in the habit of eating food slowly and taking supplements
    Physical Activity: I will exercise regularly to maintain a healthy weight and lifestyle
    Preventative Care: I will practice good hygiene, find a primary care provider, and consistently use sunscreen to protect my skin and eyes
    Concern: I will be sure to take care of and be aware of my sexual and mental health
  • My 30s

    My 30s
    Diet: Since metabolism begins to slow down, I will maintain a healthy weight by eating plenty of vegetables and whole grains. I will reduce the intake of processed and fast foods
    Physical Activity: I will exercise regularly to lower my risk for heart disease through activities like brisk walking and biking
    Preventative Care: I will make sure to drink alcohol in moderation and monitor my BMI, blood pressure, and cholesterol levels
    Concern: I will be sure to take care of any back pains
  • My 40s

    My 40s
    Diet: I will hopefully be maintaining the healthy eating habits I developed earlier in my life
    Physical Activity: Although I probably won't be as excited about exercise during this part of my life, I will be sure to make time for it anyways
    Preventative Care: I will be sure to contact my health provider if I notice changes in my physical, mental, or emotional health
    Concern: I will monitor common health concerns, such as chronic pain, stress, osteoporosis, and blood glucose levels
  • My 50s

    My 50s
    Diet: I will pay attention to good nutrition and cut back on sodium, limiting foods high in fat content
    Physical Activity: I will be sure to get 30-60min of daily activity throguh walking and weight lifting to prevent my risk of osteoporosis
    Preventative Care: I will take steps o reduce stress in my life as it only speeds up the aging process
    Concern: Since medical conditions increase during this time, I will be sure to stay up to date on my routine check ups
  • My 60s

    My 60s
    Diet: I will be sure to maintain the healthy weight that I have maintained for the majority of my life as obesity can have a larger impact on my life
    Physical Activity: I will be sure to get 30min of exercise on most days of the week through walking and bowling
    Preventative Care: I will be sure to talk to my health care provider about all the medications I use
    Concern: I will take steps to reduce my risk of falls both inside and outside my house, and I will always wear a seat belt