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Lifetime Personal Health

  • 20s

    I will focus on trying to eat right on a budget and learning to cook my own meals, avoiding binge drinking and excessive alcohol, focusing on cardio exercises, and not neglecting personal hygiene​ during that busy point in my life to prevent illnesses and dental problems.
  • 30s

    In my 30s I'll focus on eating less fat, less sodium and more vitamins and minerals. Exercise wise I will focus on weight to avoid muscle loss with age. I will also put a focus on reducing stress to prevent health problems.
  • 40s

    When I reach 40, I'll continue to decrease fat and sodium intake and avoid red meats to lower cholesterol. I will continue to exercise, but less strenuously because of chronic pain. To prevent cancers and find them early on, I will begin screening​ more regularly, also.
  • 50s

    As I enter my 50s, I will focus on eating more fiber and consider supplements. I will do aerobic exercises for my body and take up some new hobbies for my mind. I will also continue weight exercises and to eat right because of problems associated with menopause.
  • 60s

    I will keep a closer eye on how much food I am eating because my metabolism will continue to lower and eercise will get harder. I will probrably take up walking or resistance training as a form of exercise and lower the rate to a few times a week from daily. I will also take preventative measure around my home to avoid falls which are increasingly more dangerous with age.