Lifetime Personal Health

  • My 20's

    My 20's
    I will be making sure that when I eat I have enough protein, calcium and potassium in my diet. I will also make sure that I am very active and I am making sure that my exercise is weight-bearing since bone mass peaks when you're in your 20's. I will also make sure that I protect my skin from UVA and UVB rays from the sun to prevent skin damage and cancer. I will also make sure to see the doctor every year for a normal check-up and I will make sure that I keep a good hygiene.
  • My 30's

    My 30's
    I will be making sure that my diet will consist of lots of veggies and fruits while trying to keep it full with vitamins, minerals and other nutrients. I will make sure that I exercise regularly to help myself feel better, lower my risk for heart disease and help prevent osteoporosis. I will make sure that I still keep myself from drugs just like any other decade. I will wear sunscreen whenever I go outside or spend time in the sun. I will also monitor my BMI and keep it in a healthy range.
  • My 40's

    My 40's
    I will be making sure that I am eating enough fruits and veggies while making sure that I don't consume a lot of glucose since I am more prone to diabetes in this decade. I will still make sure that I still continue to do weight-bearing exercise and strength training since peak bone mass declines in this decade and beyond. This will help prevent osteoporosis. I will also make sure that I continue to protect my skin from the sun and make sure to get glasses for my eyes if necessary.
  • My 50's

    My 50's
    I will be making sure that I cut back on sodium in my diet while I continue to eat plenty of fruits and veggies, vitamins and healthy fats such as omega 3. I will still exercise at least 30 minutes a day and continue to do weight-bearing exercises to prevent osteoporosis such as walking, jogging and swimming. I will also make sure to control my sugar intake to prevent diabetes and I will also make sure to have my regular doctor's check-up every year and get immunized when necessary.
  • My 60's

    My 60's
    I will be making sure that I continue to eat fruits and veggies while making sure that I am not overweight since it it becomes more difficult to lose weight as we get older. I will also try my best to exercise at least 30 minutes a day for most days of the week. I will also make sure to do activities that do not tax my body too much. I will also make sure that I see my doctor at least once a year and also start getting a colonoscopy every 10 years as recommended and get immunized when necessary.