Life Span Developmental Psychology

  • Prenatal Development and Birth

    I was born on July 18th, 1993 in Ann Arbor, Michigan.
  • First Two Years: Biosocial

    I learned to walk around 10 months of age, about 2 months earlier than most infants.
  • First Two Years: Cognitive

    I said my first word, Nana, which is my grandma's name.
  • First Two Years: Psychosocial

    My mother began working again for the first time since I was born, I lost some attachment to my mother and began to respond more to my father.
  • Play Years: Biosocial

    Just after I turned 2 my mother realized I had a strange aversion to meat. I was taken to the doctor and tests were taken. The results came back explaining that I don't have the proper enzyme in my body to break down meat, so I was to be taken off meat for a few years. The doctor said it was likely that I would develop the ability to digest meat over time. It never happened.
  • Play Years: Cognitive

    I recieved the game Guess Who for my birthday. After about three weeks my sister had taught me all the names of all the characters. I could say the names when she held up the pictures with the names covered.
  • Play Years: Psychosocial

    My parents got divorced thus changing the parenting styles that I was use to.
  • Middle Childhood: Biosocial

    I began playing soccer, thus commencing the first real physical activity I had engaged it other than simply playing in the yard.
  • Middle Childhood: Cognitive

    I began my first year of school at Plymouth Christian Academy.
  • Middle Childhood: Psychosocial

    My mother got remarried. I now had a new step dad and two new step sisters. Our family dynamic was greatly influenced.
  • Adolescence: Biosocial

    Hit puberty on my first day of middle school.
  • Adolescence: Cognitive

    After being forced to go to catechism I was confirmed but thuroughly doubted and questioned Christianity from the beginning of my education.
  • Adolescence: Psychosocial

    My freshman year of high school I had my first boyfriend, thus introducing me to the romantic and sexual side of life.
  • Emerging Adulthood: Psychosocial

    My first very serious relationship started where marriage and a future was discussed changing my idea of relationships to relaxed and fun to serious and meaningful.
  • Emerging Adulthood: Cognitive

    I began college at Schoolcraft Community College.
  • Emerging Adulthood: Biosocial

    After going to the chiropractor we discovered that my body does not react well to gluten or dairy. A new gluten and dairy free diet was implemented.
  • Adulthood: Biosocial

    I will have my first kid.
  • Adulthood: Cognitive

    My crystallized intelligence will begin to decay.
  • Adulthood: Psychosocial

    I will become a grandparent.
  • Late Adulthood: Biosocial

    I will get cardiovascular disease as it runs in my family.
  • Late Adulthood: Cognitive

    I will get Alzheimers disease as it runs in my family as well.
  • Late Adulthood: Psychosocial

    My lifelong partner and husband will die before me.
  • Death and Dying

    I will die.