Kingdom Of ghana

  • 300

    Kingdom of Ghana was Created!

    The Kingdom of Ghana existed from approximately 750 C.E. to 1076 C.E. in modern day southeastern Mauritania, Western Mali, and Eastern Senegal. The kingdom of Ghana was known as Wagadou in the native Sonicke language of the region, a word that combines the word dou ( land) and the word waga (herd). The term the Kingdom of Ghana, or sometimes the Empire of Ghana, came about in Europe and Arabia as a way to identify the region.
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    Discovery of Iron

    The iron-working technology helped the Ghana Empire lead an easier and better life.
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    Control of Salt and Gold export!

    The introduction of the camel, which preceded Muslims and Islam by several centuries, brought about a gradual change in trade, and for the first time, the extensive gold, ivory trade, and salt resources of the region could be sent north and east to population centers in North Africa, the Middle East and Europe in exchange for manufactured goods.
    The Empire grew rich from the trans-Saharan trade in gold and salt. This trade produced an increasing surplus, allowing for larger urban centres.
  • Jan 1, 700

    First recorded written records!

  • Jan 1, 1000

    Peak of the Ghana Empire!

    1000 AD was the peak of the Ghana Empire!
  • Oct 13, 1024

    Ancient ghana joins Sundiata

    The remains of ancient ghana were incorperated into the Sundiata Empire of Mali.
  • Jan 1, 1040

    Bassi Took the Throne

    Bassi took the throne to be the second to last ruler of the Ghana Empire until 1062.
  • Jan 1, 1050

    Almoravids Invade Ghana

  • Jan 1, 1054

    Ibn Yasin captures Awdaghast

    Ibn Yasin marched south, and captured ghanas city of Awdaghast.
  • Jan 1, 1076

    Abu Bakr Captures Ghana's Capital

  • Oct 13, 1076

    Decline of Ghana

  • Jan 1, 1180

    Short Term Rise

    A small group called the Soso who were very anti-muslim, held on to a small peice of land in Ancient Ghana.
  • Jan 1, 1203

    Samanguru's Reign

  • Ghana Officially founded

    Ancient Ghana was officialy founded 800 AD, but many legends and stories state that it was created as early as 300 AD. Everything before 800 AD is questionable though.
  • Ancient Ghana captures Awdaghast!