Key Events that lead to the War of 1812.

  • Period: to

    Impressment of Sailors.

    The impressment of sailors was one of the reasons for the War of 1812. It consisted of British soldiers boarding American ships to seize accused of being deserters. This caused an increase in tensions between the two countries.
  • Washington's Proclamation of Nuetrality

    Washington's Proclamation of Nuetrality
    Washington's Proclamation of Neutrality declared America neutral for the conflict that was occurring between Great Britain and France. The Proclamation was meant to stop any war from coming to America.
  • Jay Treaty

    Jay Treaty
    This treaty between America and Great Britain assured that America had privileges' that included the opening of trading ports and ending discrimination.
  • Washington's Farewell Address

    Washington's Farewell Address
    Washington's farewell address consisted of key points that Americans should consider when moving forward. He wanted to both political parties to make sure that their goals both was for the benefit and to not fight among each other. He also wanted them to keep America neutral in all conflicts.
  • Chesapeake-Leopard Affair

    Chesapeake-Leopard Affair
    It was a conflict between the American Chesapeake naval and the British Leopard naval in which the Leopard had asked the Chesapeake to submit but they refused and lead to the Leopard firing at the Chesapeake which resulted in causatives. Both the Federalists and Republicans were upset and caused an uproar. For once it appeared that they were uniting together.
  • Embargo Act 1807

    Embargo Act 1807
    The Embargo Act 1807 stopped trading from foreign countries and was meant to show foreign countries that they could survive on their own. It was a failure and instead hurt America more than it affected the other countries.
  • Tecumseh 1811

    Tecumseh 1811
    Tecumseh was a chief who warned the whites (Americans) that there would be consequences if they were to buy or venture further to obtain more land and that he wanted them to keep the current border. William Henry Harrison did not listen because spies alerted them to them building up and army. Harrison struck when Tecumseh was not close and ended in a victory. At the time, Tecumseh was gathering other Indian tribes to help make them one nation.
  • Tecumseh 1812

    Tecumseh 1812
    Tecumseh sided with the British in order to fight against America. This was due to the early fight where they burned down the tribe and he was upset.
  • War of 1812

    War of 1812
    The War of 1812 was a war mainly between America and Great Britain. This war lasted around 2 years and 8 months and in the end it helped to improve relations between America and Great Britain.
  • War Hawks

    War Hawks
    The War Hawks were politicians who initiated legislature to steer America into war which seems contradictory to what America should aim for. They pressured the President James Madison into going in to war.
  • Hartford Convention

    Hartford Convention
    The convention's purpose was a group of delegates in New England calling for the Federal Government to help them with their economy as the situation due to the War of 1812 caused their economy to fall.
  • Treaty of Ghent

    Treaty of Ghent
    The treaty that ended the War of 1812. Word was spread very slowly and both countries agreed to help each other.
  • Battle of New Orleans

    Battle of New Orleans
    The last armed engagement between America and Great Britain. It was one of the victories of America that boosted their confidence considering that they were outnumbered 2:1. It became a symbol for American Democracy triumphing Great Britain's aristocracy.