Key Events of War of 1812

  • Washington's Proclamation of Neutrality

    A formal announcement by President George Washington that declared the nation neutral in conflict between France and Great Britain.
  • Jay Treaty

    A treaty between the United States and Great Britain that averted war. People argued that Jay's treaty actually weakened American trade rights. This was an unsuccessful treaty.
  • Washington's Farwell Address

    Washington urged Americans to avoid excessive political party spirit. He also warned against long-term alliances with other nations.
  • Chesapeake-Leopard Affair

    Was a naval engagement that occurred off the coast of Norfolk, Virginia, between the British warship HMS Leopard and the American frigate USS Chesapeake. The crew of Leopard pursued, attacked, and boarded the American frigate, looking for deserters from the Royal Navy.
  • Embargo Act of 1807

    A law passed by President Thomas Jefferson that prohibited American Ships from trading in all foreign ports. Agricultural prices and earning fell.
  • Impressment of sailors

    The British would impress American sailors in American territorial waters. They would forcibly place them into service. Helped cause the war because it emphasized the fact that the British did not respect American self government.
  • War Hawks

    A term used in politics for someone favoring the war in a debate over whether to go to war. Argued that military force was the only option left to combat British imperiousness. They were a group of pro-war Republicans, led by Speaker of the House Henry Clay.
  • Tecumseh

    Was a Shawnee Native American chief. During the War of 1812. He was the first Indian diplomat both among his own people and the white man. Tecumseh and his followers joined the British to fight the United States.
  • War of 1812 Begins

    Great Britain was at war with Napoleon Bonaparte's France. In an attempt to cut off supplies from reaching the enemy, both sides attempted to block the Untied States from trading with the other. The United States declared war on Britain to end this.
  • Hartford Convention

    A series of meetings in Hartford, Connecticut, in which Federalist delegates came together to discuss the impact the War of 1812 had on their home states' economies.
  • Treaty of Ghent

    Was the peace treaty that ended the War of 1812. Both sides signed it in the city of Ghent, United Netherlands.
  • Battle of New Orleans

    The final major battle of the War of 1812. Shortly after this successful battle, there was news of a peace treaty between the United States and Great Britain.