
  • 2.2 Niche-picking

    From my childhood, I would say I experienced as an Evocative. I got all of the attention when I was a kid because I was shy, smiling, and cute little girl. But at the same time, I was actively involved with activities such as cheerleader, dancer, basketball, and academic bowl team player. My family gave me an attention because I also am a last baby in the family and their eyes were all on me.
  • 2.1 Early Maturer

    I am experienced as an early maturer. I was reading what early maturer tends to and I was completely the whole opposite of what the book said. The everything what it said wasn't what I went through except depression. I was not independent until I was 19 years old when I attended a college and definitely not a married now. I have no clue at all if my life went turn and picked different path like followed what the book said then I will rather not to go through what the book said.
  • 1.1 Entering Adolescence

    That was when I first got my period at age 11. I believe it is an appropriate age to start to become a teenage even though 13 years old is officially teenage age due with a term of "teen". After I got my first period, I did feel like I am a teenager. From the book that I read, my transition and the book said is almost exactly the same such as when my hormones changes, the puberty started to hit, my height started to grow more like I was the tallest girl in my class when I was in 6th grade.
  • 3.3 The Fluctuating Self

    When I was in my early teenage years, most of the days, my mood will change from happy to sad to angry. Whenever I face the situation, I ended up gets overwhelmed or frustrated easily. My mom tends to avoid me when I am not in the mood because she knew how much I take it so easily to make myself mad. When it is a good day, I become so happy or humble. It lasted for several years until I get older and am able to manage my emotions but I am still a sensitive person but tough now.
  • 7.3 Intrinsic Motivation

    When I was in 7th grade, I was really good at math and already passed ahead in the class. I always answered on almost everything in the class. I did study a lot and paid attention more in class. It was more of self-determined. My motivation in math class made me wanted to be motivation in other classes and I did good in other classes as well. In a textbook, younger students were most likely are intrinsic in math and science. Which I found this a very true because I was good at math PLUS science.
  • 7.1 Transition to High School

    My experience doesn't match what it said in the textbook. I was already prepared for college and after high school life. I learned about colleges and preparing in my senior year first semester then the second semester in my senior year, I learned about financial budget related with bills and taxes. It was nice for me to allow to learn and prepare for life after high school. Textbook said many high schools are not only poorly with colleges but with preparation for life which it doesn't apply me.
  • 8.1 Rites of Passage

    I am not sure if rites of passages are right term because myself, I still don't understand the term, however, the definition or purpose of this does make sense to me. In my culture, we do have rites of passages for example, in Latinx culture, it is the most common for Latinx females to celebrate 15 to become a woman. I didn't celebrate it but I did celebrate 16 instead. I wished I did at 15 instead 16.
  • 4.1- Gender-typed behavior

    It is a purpose for girls and boys reacts or acts as their own gender expectations.For girls, we are the most sensitive to most everything. Boys likes to hold themselves inside and not expressed their feelings out. Girls/women are tends to stay at home and do household things while boys/men go outside and do the work.
  • 4.2- Non gender typed behavior

    It is a purpose for girls and boys reacts or acts differently than their own gender expectations. For example, Girls can be androgynous while boys can be feminine. Boys can cry while girls shows their anger towards people. Girls can play sports while boys can get good grades in school.
  • 6.1- parent adolescent conflict

    When my mom and I had our disagreement related with school, I thought I wanted go to RIT/NTID but she didn't want me to go. She prefers Gallaudet but didn't say anything until I got accepted to Gallaudet. I kept disagree what she said about RIT/NTID and Gallaudet. She refused to hear me out and I refused to hear her out. My step dad never involved with anything because he knew we both will always disagree with each other.
  • 3.1 Personal Fable

    When I was a freshman in college, I decided to stop using CI (Cochlear Implant) every day like I used to because I wanted to try something different that I can do without being forced. But my mom did not understand completely about the deaf world and identity as a deaf person. She knew I am deaf and she accepted me that I am deaf. She got me in deaf school and allowed me to be part of the deaf world and culture too. It got me frustrated of how a person can't understand what I want for myself.
  • 3.2 Differentiation

    At home, when I socialize with my family. I could tell my personality is different than when I am with my friends. For example, when I am with my family, I am most chill and humble. While I am with my friends, I am a total opposite of it, I can be wild in a good way, likes to joke around, and being funny. It is because of how people treated me. When I am with my family, they expected me the most respected person for all while I am with my friends, they allow me to be myself around them.
  • 6.3 Companionship

    Two same friends from 6.2 are always being supportive and like to do together. We always ask each other what to do or make plans together. We always are willing to do something for other like if one friend wants to go off campus, we will join with her to go off campus. From real life expereince and textbook is match what I said and what textbook said.
  • 1.2 Emerging Adulthood

    That was when I turned 21 years old and I believe it is an appropriate age to start as an adult due with many reasons such as start to pay your own bills, living like an independent person, discover more about my identities, have 2 part-time jobs to support myself and for the school too. From the book and my transition is definielty the same thing of concepts of how emerging adulthoodlooks like.
  • 6.2 Social Comparison

    I have two really good friends who are very supportive and always encourage me no matter what even bad or good days. They always there for me and I always be there for both too. We have a strong bonding together and always give each other advice or ask each other for help. From life experience and in textbook is definetley match.
  • 7.2 Transition to College

    Textbook and my life experience were almost similar. But the main thing that I did agree on is stress. College is a major famous for stress. Heavy classes, part-time jobs, and clubs/organizations got me busy all the times but I love being busy and at the same time, it takes my energy at the end of the day. It can impact on my self care and my social life too. Now as a senior, time is so much little that I need to enjoy and at the same time, myself is important too.