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Karla's Timeline

  • My Birth

    My Birth
    I was born at Banner Good Samaritan Medical Center in Phoenix, Az. I was the first child of both my parents and that forever changed their lives. Two years later they'd be expecting another child.
  • Broken Arm

    Broken Arm
    When I was about 1 years old I broke my left arm. The reason for that being was, I was learning how to walk. My mom decided to let me try on my own and I tripped over a small rock and I landed on my arm causing it to break. After the doctors visit I got a small pink cast.
  • Traveling To Mexico

    Traveling To Mexico
    My mom, sister, and I went to Mexico to visit our family and ended up staying there for a year. From my time there, I attended Kindergarten where I had a great time. A year later we returned to The United States.
  • The Birth of The Last Child

    The Birth of The Last Child
    On March 20, 2008 the last child was finally born. I, being 9 years could now help out my mom with raising a child. I was super excited because I have never held a baby before and could now play mom.
  • First Communion

    First Communion
    My sister and I did our First Communion together. This is very important in the Roman Catholic Church because it officially signifies that we have received Jesus into our body and soul. Our souls were to become the bride of Christ that's why all of the children during their Communion had to dress up in white.
  • First Camera

    First Camera
    On Black Friday my mom had bought me a Canon SX 400 IS. A very small, but yet a very good camera. This camera has a long optical zoom lens which is good because I like to take wildlife pictures and I need that in order to get the perfect shot.
  • My Very First Record Player

    My Very First Record Player
    I finally got my pink record player! I've been waiting for this day since I was 14 years old.I could now jam out to Elvis Presley on vinyl and just daydream about living during the 1950's.
  • White Christmas

    White Christmas
    This year we had planned a different way to spend Christmas. We had driven out to Flagstaff and stayed with family friends. We enjoyed every moment of it and we're definitely planning on doing that every Christmas.

    My family and I went to the Wildlife World Zoo & Aquarium out in Litchfield Park, Arizona. I had sort of fun, until I touched a Kangaroo and that changed everything. I was so excited!
  • First Nose Piercing

    First Nose Piercing
    Whoa! I just got my first ever nose piercing! I been wanting this forever and I finally got the guts to do it. My experience was okay. The place where I went was sketchy and a place I don't ever recommend to go for piercings or tattoos. When I got the piercing it didn't hurt right at the spot, but a couple minutes later the pain was dull and sharp at the same time.