Julia Janusch; unit 2

  • Period: 500 to Jan 1, 1500

    middle ages (500-1500)

  • 511

    Franks become Christian

    Franks become Christian
    Clovis, the Franks' leader prayed the Chrisitan God asking him to help them win the war, and if they won he would get his whole kingdom to convert to Christianity
  • Period: Oct 31, 700 to Oct 31, 1000

    European Invasions

  • Period: Jan 1, 715 to

    Reign of Charlemagne (715-814)

  • Jan 1, 750

    Pepin the Short

    Pepin the Short
    Fought the Lombards who were invading Italy and threatening Rome. The Pop anointed Pepin "King by grace of God." He began the reign of Frankish rulers.
  • Period: Jan 1, 751 to

    Carolingian Dynasty (751-987)

  • Nov 24, 1066

    Battle of Hastings

    Battle of Hastings
    Normans and Saxons fought the battle that changed the course of history.
  • Oct 29, 1075

    Banning of lay invesiture

    Banning of lay invesiture
    The Investiture Controversy or Investiture Contest was the conflict between Church and state in medieval Europe. In the 11th and 12th centuries, a series of Popes challenged the authority of European monarchies over control of appointments, or investitures, of church officials such as bishops and abbots.
  • Nov 24, 1093

    First Crusade

    First Crusade
    Alexius Comnenus (Byzantine emperor) sent an appeal to Pope Urban II. He wanted help against the Muslim Turks. So Pope Urban II issued a call for a "holy war", or Crusade to gain control of Jerusalem.
  • Period: Nov 24, 1096 to Nov 24, 1270


    CrusadesEconomic goals and religious motives. Seen to get rid of quarrelsome knights who fought eachother.
  • May 29, 1176

    Battle of Legnano

    Battle of Legnano
    Foot soldires of the Lombard League faced Frederick's army of mounted kinghts at the Battle of Legnano. In their victory the foot soldiers used corssbows to defeat feudal knights for the first time in victory.
  • Nov 24, 1215

    Magna Carta

    Magna Carta
    This document guaranteed certain basic political rights. John (Softsword) was forved to agree to signing this document.
  • Nov 24, 1295

    Parliament in England

    Parliament in England
    Parliament consisted of two burgesses from every borough and two knights from every county served in this legislative group
  • Period: Nov 24, 1337 to Nov 24, 1453

    Hundred Years' War

    WarEnglish kinds claimed that they ruled France and this is what started the war.
  • Period: Nov 24, 1340 to Nov 24, 1400

    Bubonic Plague

    PlagueThis plague traveled through Europe killing many.
  • Nov 24, 1400


    Dante Alighieri wrote The Diving Comedy in italian. Geoffret Chaucer wrote The Canterbury Tales in English. Christine de Pisan wrote The Cirt of Ladies in French.
  • Nov 24, 1431

    Joan of Arc

    Joan of Arc
    She was cannonized as a saint after her stories were proven to have nothing to with witchcraft.
  • Nov 24, 1492


    An effort to drive Muslims out of Spain. Muslims eventually only held the tiny kingdom of Granada. Granada fell to the Christian army of Ferdinand and Isabella, the Spanish monarchs.
  • uniting of the franks

    uniting of the franks
    The first royal house of France which is the dynasty that was provided by The Franks. The word France derives from them, in the orgin one of the Germanic tribes.
  • Crowning of charlemagne by the pope

    Crowning of charlemagne by the pope
    There was a considerable amount of tension between the pope and Constantinople, before Charlemagne was crowned Emperor. Relations between them had been strained since the time of Justinain.
  • Vikings v. France

    Vikings v. France
    In an attempt to stop the Viking raids Charles agrees to give Rollo Normandy.
  • Gregory the Great

    Gregory the Great
    Pop Gregory I expands the authority of the papacy. He also brings politics into the Church.
  • Downfall of Charlemagne's Empire

    Downfall of Charlemagne's Empire
    Louis the empire to all three of his sons. They foughts over it and eventually it would split up the land. There is no central auhtority or strong leadership so the empire becomes weak.