
Juan Life Timeline

  • Baby

    I was borned In 2001 and when i was little at this age i didnt have much hair and some years after. When i was this age i prefer to stay at home than out. Also i was always looking at all around me and react curious.
  • Child

    When i was growing up and transforming into child my hair start to grow more and i start to like being more with friends because i entered to my school ´´The English School´´
  • Child

    When i was a child I had more hair than when i was a baby and also i could walk. In this time i like to laft alot. In this time i prefer to be with friends than family.
  • Now

    Now i have larger hair than after. Also in this moments i have a balance of being with family and friends. Some emotional changes that i have now are that now we are starting to react strong between the things people say to us. One important thing of this age is that is an stage for getting into teenagers. Also it star the puberty.
  • Teenager

    When I will be a teenager I wont a very large hair or very short hair it will be normal hair. Also as now i will have a balance between family and the friends. But as other teens all the teens have kind off a strong attititude. Also an important thing that will happen at this stage of live will be the puberty. That will make the major physichal, emotional and social changes
  • Adult

    When i will be adult i will work as a doctor. I would have normal hair as when i will be teenager. I will also have like balance with family and friends. and my attitide will be serious.
  • Adult

    At this stage is an stage in wich adults transform into elderly. Also the white hair starts to appear more. In this age in wich the adults start to get old some of their parts are difficult to move.
  • Elderly

    When i will have not much hair and also i will have wrinkles. Also i will be more time at home and also more time with family. My emotions will be more calmed and smooth.One of the things it happen at this stage is that these people have some difficults to move some parts of the body like the back.