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John's Journey

  • Period: to

    John'w Journey

  • Moved to Orangevale, Ca.

    My frist big move, new house, new school , new friends
  • Playing 4 square when I heard JFK had been assasinated

    It was to say the least a very memorable event and it was all that was on TV, all three channels for days. It was something that wasn't suppose to happen, at least not in the United States.
  • Watched Neil Armstrong's first steps on the moon

    I had gone to Disneyland with a friend and his family. We had to get back to his house so we could watch the first steps on the moon.
  • High School Graduation

    I don't rmember my graduation very well but I do remember that I made a speech to my fellow seniors that was not too well received! I think it said that we should have done more to change things that we did.
  • College Graduation

    I worked and went to school for four years. Students in my classes were acquaintances not friends. When I was finished I took a breath and said, "Now what do I do?"
  • Bought my first condo

  • Got married

    Seems so simple. I had gone back to school to get my teaching credential and met my wife, not at school but in a class where she was an Instructional Assistant. I was working with one of her students. She was also working to get her credential.
  • Started Teaching

    We were all young and full of energy. It was quite an experience! Stopped student teacing on Friday and started teaching on Monday. It was and continues to be very memorable even after almost 32 years.
  • First Son born

    What a life changer, but we were ready. As he got into the teenage years I don't think I would ever say I was ready again.
  • Second Son Born

    Does this kid ever sleep. After my second son was born I decided that I needed to get a job closer to home so I changed jobs but stayed with the county office of education. Autisc students now and big ones! Learned a lot more, on the job.If I only knew then what I know now. I must say I'm better now than when I first started.
  • Third Son Born

    I knew when he was born that it was going to be an adventure. He was born at home and it wasn't planned, at least not by me. The adventure begins and continues.
  • Started working for present school district

    Moved to Orangevale, didn't have a job, but had interviewed. Not a lot of teaching jobs in 1983. I did get the job. Stayed at this school for 10 years.
  • Moved into current house

    I still live in this house with my wife in Folsom, Ca.
  • Moved with my students with Autism to a new school

    Cahgned schools and brought mine with me, from a special education center to a elementary school. I was determined that they would have the opportunity to be around normal developing peers.
  • Helped find one of my student's who got lost

    One of my students went on a picic with her morther, who was pregnant. She got the idea to leave and walk down the drainage ditch. Mom couldn't follow. She was gone for about 5 hours before I was lucky enough to find her.
  • Started a new class at different school

    Goodbye to Autism hello to just intellectually disabled. After all the years I had taught Autistic students it was time for a change. Had to have a not so swift kick to make the change but it was one I now look back on as very beneficial.
  • Elected to teacher's association Executive Board

    A slight change in direction and one that has been very interesting. I'm a little more outspoken now than I was when I started. Also more politically involved
  • Moved wth my student's to a new school

    The beginning of school closures and my school was one of the first. I now get to be the teacher representative on the district committee that is considering closing schools. It was fun being the lone dissenter, but necessary. I kept asking: "Who's looking out for the kids?"
  • Started in Educatiional Technology program at Lesley

    Getting close to retiring, time to get to max out on the salary schedule. I like technology, so its time to do it. Luckily I had two teachers that were also going to do it. They had kids and one was expecting, so if they could do it so could I.