
  • 1.1 - The Beginning

    I do think that you become an adult when you first experience adulthood which is all blended in experiences between chronological, biological, social, and psychological age. I would say that I became an young adult when I was 20 which was in 2010. That’s because it’s when I had a full time job and basically lived on my own with some support. But, I haven't truly experienced adulthood because I am in college right now with support.I will experience adulthood after I graduate with a full time job.
  • 2.2 - Genetic Limits

    I've developed several technique that can make us near-immortal. I've discovered how to change the hayflick limit in humans cell division. It's a formula to be injected into the embryo and it will modify and continue the cell division to prolong our life. I've also developed another formula that is also mixed with steroids. It is injected in a human's body and their telomeres will become longer just like how steroids builds muscles. The formula helps build and grow the telomeres. telomeres
  • 2.1 - Oxidative Damage

    Fruits have antioxidants which prevents oxidative damage. People in their 20s should eat as much fruit they can because it's when I noticed about memory decline. Eating fruits when you're in 20s will help with memory but you should eat fruits starting from birth. When you're in 60s, we should start worrying about pollution and radiation. Pollution and radiation increases every year. By that time, there should be a super cream that will prevent pollution and radiation from entering our skin.
  • 2.3 - My Current Health Lifestyle - 03/23/17

    After evaluating the health survey. I see that 90% of my answers are not healthy. I am currently not living a healthy lifestyle. It is very difficult to do it at Gallaudet. Lots of unhealthy things are here such easy access to any food. Access to parties as well. I've told myself many times to get healthy during Gallaudet but always fail to do so. After I graduate is when I start get serious with my health. I don't really have a stable routine here which is why it's hard for me to be healthy
  • 2.4 - Potential Consequences of my Lifestyle

    My future doesn't look good with my current health. I barely exercise and eat healthy. I go out and eat a lot and don't pick healthy food at cafeteria or rathskellers. I am about 15 pounds heavier than what my healthy weight should be. With the food I am eating and not exercising. My habits may lead to obesity or develop diabetes. I could be in risk of cardiovascular disease because my father has high blood pressure so I could be able to obtain one. Its time for me to be serious with health.
  • 3.1 - Attention

    I have noticed that my attention had declined when I was in late high school years which was during 2006-2009. I still struggle with attention today but I cope with it through different strategies. I have never talked to my doctor about it until recently last summer. I wanted to do some tests to see if I have ADD. Anyway, my attention sometimes get distracted and that could affect IADL because sometimes I miss little details or forget things because I get lost into thoughts.
  • 3.2 - Prospective Memory

    I am talking about my current prospective memory because I am worried how it would affect later when I age. In 2017, I forget so many things easily because of my distraction with attention. When things happen my prospective memory easily forget unless I remember it or someone reminds me. That concerns me for my IADL right now and in the future. Like I would forget that I was supposed to do something later in that day that could impact my life. There are lots of IADL that I can easily forget.
  • 4.1 - Young Adult Role Transition

    I expect to start this transition when I graduate from college with Bachelor's or Master's degree and starting a career. I would be either 27 or 30 when I start this transition. It's not a typical age of transition because I started college later than typical. The challenges would be starting my career because I am not sure which career I should go for. That will be my challenge in this transition but it will be a great journey for me which will provide me experiences. I look forward to it.
  • 4.2 - Older Adult Role Transition

    My older adult role transition is when I start a family with my partner. I would say I would start this transition when I am settled with my career. I would say I would start this transition when I am in my 30s. Although the transition will take a while because raising children is not a quick thing. I expect to see some challenges in parenting and having more responsibilities in the family. I will make mistakes but that will enable me to learn and grow and get past new obstacles in parenting.