Italy and Germany

  • Jan 31, 1056

    European Struggle 1056-1122

    European Struggle 1056-1122
    Struggles between government and papacy. Henry IV and Pope Gregory VII clashed many times, The appointment of bishops in the Church, Henry believed he had a say. This caused many conflicts and disputes among the government and Curch. In 1122, representatives met in Worms, Germany to resolve the conflict. The Concordant of Worms was signed.
  • Charlemagne's Death

    Charlemagne's Death
    Italy was in Charlemagne's empire. After he died, this caused Italy to become very disorderly. His descendants inherited the title of Holy Roman Emperor. They did not rule Italy.
  • The Power Shifts

    The Power Shifts
    Byzantine Empire holds parts of Italy. The Pope also held the power in the Papal States. The Arab Muslims ruled Sicily and attacked the Italian mainland.
  • Otto The Great's Rule 936-962

    Otto The Great's Rule 936-962
    Otto was a powerful and forceful ruler who throughout his reign he strengthed Germany, seized Italian territory, and helped the Pope. He was crowned by the Pope in 962.