Israel/Palastinian Conflict

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    The UN voted to make Palatine separate states. Jews agree and make Israel independent. Arabs disagree and six Arab states attack. Israel wins and gains territory.
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    Egypt gets rid of UN peacekeepers and get their army ready. Israel make a surprise attack and Syria, Jordan and Iraq join Egypt. Israel wins and gains territory. This event is known as the Six Day War.
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    Jews have created settlements within the occupied territories and do not allow palestinians to enter the communities.
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    Egypt and Syria surprise attack the Israelis. Israel pushes back the armies and then draws back from Sinai and the Golan Heights. This is known as the Yom Kippur War.
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    Egypt's president Anwar Sadat visits Jerusalem. President Carter brokers peace and Israel backs out of Sinai.
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    Palestinians are angry about the Israelis continuing to occupy the territories so the Palestinians start an uprising.