Israeli/Palestinian Conflict

By sj20581
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    United Nations Tries To Help.

    The United Nations decide to let Britain stop controlling Israel and splitting it up between the Arab's and the Israel's. The Arab's got the West Bank, The Gaza Strip and the northern part of Israel. The Jews got the rest of the land. Israel's agreed for this but the Arab's didn't . This lead to deadly wars and terrorism, The Jews get their independence on May of 1948 when the Arab's attack and Jews defeating them and gaining land.
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    Israel's and the Palestinians

    The Jews still build villages in the West Bank and the Gaza strip even though it is illegal. Some Jews made it that some Palestinians cannot farm or use some roads where the Jews settled.
  • Six Day War

    Egypt send away the UN and prepares it's army ,the Israeli launch a surprise attack on them. Syria, Jordan, and Iraq join the fight but soon get defeated by the Israel's. Israel gets land from East Jerusalem and the West Bank from Jordan.
  • Yom Kippur War

    On the Jewish holiday Yom Kippur Egypt and Syria launch a surprise attack on Israel in Siani and Golan Heights. Israel lost many land but still defeated the strong forces. After that ceasefire was announced.
  • Peace between Israel and Egypt.

    On 1979 the Egyptian president arrives to Jerusalem and Accepts peace with the Israeli.
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    Israel's still have control over the West Bank and the Gaza Strip. Palestinians start throwing rocks at Israeli soldiers. The first suicide bomber attempt has been made by the Palestinians.