Israeli-Palestinian Timeline

By EHilt87
  • Period: 333 to Nov 14, 640

    Classical Period

    Palestine controlled different groups. :)
  • Balfour Declaration

    Letter from UK foreign secretary to the leader of the Birtish-Jewish community approving Zionism and the establishment of a Jewish state in Palestine.
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    Form of nationalism of the Jewish culture that supports a Jewish nation.
  • Royal Commission Recommendation

    The Peel Commission recommended the partition of Palestine into a small Jewish state, a much larger Arab state united with other country, the Jews accepted the plan; the Arabs did not.
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    Germany invaded Poland and other countries persucuting Jews and other minorities.
  • UN Partition

    UN propsed two Jewish and Arab states. Jews accept; Arabs reject
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    Arab-Israeli War

    Fought between the state of Israel and the military Arab states and the Palestinian-Arab forces. Israel did not give up land that the Arab state wanted.
  • Palestinian Liberation Organization Formation

    A terrorist organization created during the Palestian Congress Meeting. Their primary goal is the destruction of the state of Israel.
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    Six-Day War

    Israel attacks Egypt, Syria, and Jordan. Israel takes Sinai Penisnsula, Gaza Strip, West Bank, Golan Heights.
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    Yom Kippour War

    Egypt and Syria opened a coordinated suprise attack against Israel.
  • Camp David Peace Accords

    A treaty signed by the Egyptian President Arwar El Sadat and Israel Prime Minister Menachem Begin. 13 days later, there were negotiations. It was a peace treaty between Egypt and Israel.
  • Oslo Peace Accords

    A treaty trying to achieve a peaceful resolution to the confilict by initiating open, direct talks between Israel and the Palestinian Liberation Organization.
  • Palestinian Elections (first ever)

    Election were held in accordance to the Oslo Peace Accords.