Israel timeline

  • 135

    The Revolution

    The Jewish people had a revolution against the Romans is Judaea. Bar Kokhba led the revolution against them. He was slain in seacoast south of Caesarea, also the rebillion was crushed there too.
  • Period: 135 to

    Israel History

  • Oct 9, 600


    The region of Israel is conquered by the Arabs. It is the region that had been the Romans. The Romans got it from the Jews, because they forced all the Jews to leave the region, when it was called Palestine.
  • The Zionists

    The Zionists
    In Palestine the Zionists decide that they should put a Jewish state for all the Jews the have citizenship.
  • The War for Freedom

    After the United Nations declared Independence, a riot stated. The riot killed about 32 Arabs and 62 Jews. At the end the United Nations decided that they would blame Arab for the riot.
  • Independence

    On this day Israel had it's Declaration of Independence. They also decided to annouce that the Jewsih state would now be known as the State of Israel.
  • The Offer

    Israel had decided to make Albert Einstein. To tell him of this, they sent him a letter. After Albert read the letter, he decided that he wouldn't accept the offer, because he says he is not very good at dealing properly with people.
  • The Spy

    In this year about a dozen Egyptian Jews decided that they would spy on Israel. When they were caught by the Egyptian police, 8 died. The remaining spies were put in jail for about 15 years.
  • The Betrayal

    The Betrayal
    A man named Adolf Eichmann was killed for his part in the holocaust. He was a Nazi who killed many people. He had a plan to kill of the Jews, but he didn't kill all of them.
  • The War

    The War
    A Sis Day War was fought between Israel, Jordan, Lebanon, Egypt, and Syria. The other countries got help by the Arabs. The war was six days long.
  • Nuclear Reactor

    Nuclear Reactor
    In this year Isreal tried to destroy the Nuclear Reactor in Iraq, but failed. WHen they attackedm though, it suprised the Iraqs.
  • The Suprise

    In Iraq people have aggred that they would take down Israel. TO do this they lauched SCUD missiles at them, but Israel managed to survive the attack.
  • The Change

    A Prime Minister named Sharon gets a stroke. After this a new Prime Minister was elected, and his name was Ehud Olmert. When He was elected, he decided that he would form a new goverment.
  • The End?

    A state called Hamas decided that they would attack Israel during the Gulf War. As time pass the Hamas fired more and more rockets into Israel. After about 3 years they decided they would cease fire for about a year.
  • The Attack

    PLO terrorists hijacked a bus in Israel. When soilders try to stop them they shoot at them, and a total of 34 people die in the attack.
  • The Reactor

    The Reactor
    A man named Mordechai Vanunu started to work at Israel's nuclear reactor. When he was leaving from his work he took pictures. The next day a newspaper came out, and it said the Israel had about 100 through 200 nuclear warheads.