Israel's Timeline of important events

  • 135

    Israel Diaspora

    The Isreal Diaspora is when the romans took over Jarusalem and the isrilites where then exiled
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    Romans Persecuting

    Many Jews became martys for beliveing what they believed.
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    when the Byzantine started to rule over the Holy Land (Jerusalem)
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    Official Religion

    Emperor Constantine made chresianity which maed a flood of pilgrims come forom all over the empire.
  • Aug 1, 614


    When Israel was taken over by the persians Medes.
  • Aug 1, 634

    Muslem Armies

    Muslem Armies
    Muslem armies take over Israel.
  • Aug 1, 636


    Dome of the Rock was built on the ground of the distroyed temple, and it occured over a long peroid of time.
  • Aug 1, 1009

    Sultan al-Hakim

    Sultan al-Hakim Distroys The Holy Sepulchre Church.
  • Aug 1, 1099


    Crusaders came to Europe to capture the holy land.
  • Aug 1, 1099


    The Christians come back to Jerusalem and take down all the muslems and kill all the jews in jeruaslem.
  • Aug 1, 1267


    A brand new synagogue is built in Jerusalem.
  • Aug 1, 1291


    This is when Mamulck started to rule over Israel.
  • Aug 1, 1291


    Tyre is dystroyed again after being attacked.
  • Aug 1, 1306


    When the Jews where first kicked out of France.
  • Aug 1, 1516


    During the reign of Sultan Suleiman the Magnificen the walls of old Jerusalem where built up and the population grew very fast.
  • Yehuda Hachassid

    Yehuda Hachassid and 1,000 other jews came from Poland into Jerusalem and setteled in Jerusalem.
  • Greek Orthodox

    Greek Orthodox given control of the Church of the Holy Sepulchre and many other holy places.
  • Comeing back

    The population is slowly growing in Israel and the british have dicided to help them rebuild after world war one.
  • Jews

    Jews start to become a majority in the capital Jarusalem.
  • Pioneers

    The starting of the First Aliyah and the pioneers come in to Palestine.
  • Britan

    Great Britian saw the rights of Jewish people and they established a national home in Palistine.
  • Holocoust

    The Holocoust started and millions of jews where killed and Hitler was their leader.
  • Isreal state

    Isreal state
    Isreal becomes a state.
  • 6 day war

    The Isralites and and the Aradians fought for only six days untill The Jews won after everyone thought they would most sertinly lose.