Islamic Battles Project

  • Jan 1, 622

    The Prophet's Migration (Hijrah)

    The prophet (S.A) called the people in Mecca to Islam and they stood by when the Quraysh faced them with harassment. In time the prophet realized that the Quraysh came up with a incredible plot to kill him so he placed Hazart’ Ali in his bed to sleep and during that night he left Mecca and hid in a cave and then migrated to Medina. A new chapter in the history of Islam was opened because of the hijrah of the Prophet.
  • Jan 1, 623

    The Battle Of Badr

    The very first battle among the non-Muslims and the Muslims took place at a valley between Makkah and Medina called Badr and it took place in the second year of Hijrah. There was approximately one thousand equipped non-believers and the Muslims were around only one third of them and they did not have the equipment they needed for war although fortunately for the Muslims they were presented with a bright victory. It is said that in this particular battle, about seventy non-believers were kissed.
  • Feb 17, 625

    Battle of Uhud

    In the year of Hijarah, Abu Sufyan led the nonbelievers of Makkah and they rushed to Madina with three thousand men. The Muslims at Uhud outside Medina where confronted by the nonbelievers. During the battle, the Prophet (SA) gathered seven hundred Muslims to face their enemy. At the start of the battle, the Muslims were more victorious and had the upper hand but as the battle went on the army of Islam were defeated because of the mistakes of some Muslims. The nonbeliveres came from all sides an
  • Mar 31, 627

    Battle of Khandaq

    The Khandaq battle was the third battle declared by the Arab nonbelievers against the Prophet (S.A). Not only that but it was also the very last battle under the leadership of people in Makkah. The non-believers were completely equipped with their forces and powers making it a very intense battle. A while after the Battle of Uhud, the leaders in Makkah, which was led by Abu Sufyan, wanted to inflict the final blow on the Prophet (s.a) to banish Islam for good. This lead to them asking several A
  • Feb 21, 630


  • Treaty of Hudaibiyyah

    Treaty of Hudabiyyah click on link for info.
  • Battle of Khaybar

    A while after the Battle of Khandaq, the Jews cooperated with the Arab non-believers and they had openly breached their treaty with the believers. The prophet (S.A) followed through on punishing the Jewish tribes by the order of Allah. The prophet fought a lot of battles along side the Muslims and in the end, he was victorious. The battle of Khaybar was one of the most important battles, The Jews of Khaybar had several defenses in hand a a couple of belligerents with acceptable equipment at thei