islam time line

By RJG123
  • 570

    muhammad is born

    muhammad was born in Mecca about 570. He was orphaned at an aerly age and he was raised by an uncle. For work in his youth he was a shepherd among the Bedouins. He later led caravans across the desert and became a successful merchant.
  • Jan 1, 610

    Gabriel calls on Muhammad

    Muhammad often went to a desert cave to pray and meditate. When he was about 40 he heard a voice "Proclaim, in the name of your god the creator". This vission left him puzzled as to how a merchant is going to have to be the messenger of god. His wife Khadija told him to accept the call from god.
  • Jan 1, 622

    The Hijra

    Many didn't fallow Muhammad at first because they didn't want to be neglecting the Arab gods. Muhammad was faced with murder so him and his fallowers left mecca for Yathrib, this journey is known as the Hijra. When they got to Yathrib it was later named Medina or the city of the profit and 622 became the first year of the muslim calender.
  • Jan 1, 630

    The return to Mecca

    In medina many muslim converts welcomed Muhammad as gods prophet. As Muhammad became more known thousands of arabs started to adopt islam beliefs. Muslims started attacking Meccan caravans and deffeating Meccans in battles. Finally Muhammad returned to Mecca and destroyed the idols in the Kaaba.
  • Jan 1, 632

    The death of Muhammad

    two years after Muhammads return to Mecca he worked to unite the arabs. When Muhammad died his fallowers plunged into grief. One of his earlier converters Abu Bakr was then ellected to be the first caliph, or succesor to Muhammad.
  • Jan 1, 641

    Victory to victory

    under the cammand of the caliph Abu Bakr the arab armies are led to conquered great chunks of the Byzantine empire. Along with the victories over the byzantine empire the arab armies also took provinces of Syria and P{alestine with the cities of Damascus and jerusalem. After this the Arabs swept into Egypt.
  • Jan 1, 655

    The Spread to north africa

    After their numerious victories of the byzantine empire the muslim armies started to sweep into north africa. While sweeping into north africa the muslim armies conquered even mor lands. From egypt the armies dashed west defeating byzantine forces across north africa.
  • Jan 1, 661

    Fall of Caliphs

    Imam Ali is killed. After the last caliph died (Ali) this brought an end to the rule of the four "righteous caliphs"Abu Bakr, Umar, Uthman, and Ali. But this also brought the beginning of the Umayyads rule.
  • Jan 1, 700

    Umayyad rule

    During the rule of the Umayyad dynasty they were confronted with numerious problems. First they had to adapt to controlling large cities and huge territories from desswert life.To help govern these territories the Umayyads relied on educated Jews, Greeks and Persians. As a result byzantine and persion traditions of government influenced arab rulers. Economic tensions started to increase between wealthy arabs and those who had less.
  • Jan 1, 711

    muslims enter spain

    during the growth of the Umayyad rule muslim armies still marched on after the victories across north africa. t he muslim armies marched on and crossed the Strait of Gibraltar into spain. after crossing to spain the muslim army pushed into France.
  • Jan 1, 732

    Pushing to france

    After crossing to spain the muslim armies pushed in france where they were defeated at the battle of tours. The muslims advance into western europe was stoped. Although they were stoped at the battle of tours the muslims would still rule parts of spain. Later waves of conqests would spread the rule of muslims into the continents of Asia and Africa.
  • Jan 1, 750


    during allof the disagreements under the Umayyad rule muslims found a leader in Abu Al-Abbas, who captured the city of Damascus. To take the power over the Umayyad dynasty Abu had one of his generals invite the members of the defeated Umayyad family to a banquet where he would then kill them all.Abu then founded the Abbassid dynasty.
  • Jan 1, 1001


    Mahmud of Ghanzi led his armies into northern india. He smashed and looted Hindu temples. Mahmud used the riches of india to turn his capital into a great muslim center. later the muslims built a great new muslim empire in india.
  • Jan 1, 1095


    As the seljuks pushed into asia they threatened the byzantine empire. reports of Seljuks interfiering with the christian pilgrims traveling to jerusalem led Pope Urban II to call for the first crusade.
  • Jan 1, 1099


    After a long bloody siuege christian crusaders finally captured jerusalem. later after taking jerusalem from the muslims the muslims defeat the christians regaining there taken land.
  • Jan 1, 1120

    islam spreads

    Islam continues to spread throughout Asia. Malaysian traders interact with Muslims who teach them about Islam.
  • Jan 1, 1206

    origins of the sultanate

    The sultan of Ghur defeated Hindu armies across the northern plain. He ended up make Dheli his capital. from there his successors organized a sultanate or land ruled by a sultan. The dheli sultanate marked the start of the muslim rule in india from 1206-1526.
  • Jan 1, 1300


    A leader by the name of Timur the lame or Tamerlane led his armies into the middle east. though he was a muslim himself his ambitions led him to conquer muslim and non-muslim lands. his victoriouse armies overran Persia and Messepotamia before invading Russia and India
  • Jan 1, 1398

    Timerlane invades india.

    As timerlane invaded into india he plundered the northern plain and smashed into Delhi. When he took over he enslaved thousands of of artisans to build his capital at Samarkand.
  • Jan 1, 1453

    fall of constantinople

    the Ottoman empires expantion threatened the falling byzantine empire. after privious failed attemts to capture constantinople Muhammad II finally was successful. After the Ottoman empire still kept expanding.
  • Jan 1, 1500

    Safavid empire

    The safavid dynasty had a strong and united empire in persia. due to their empire being located between two mager expanding empires the sfavids were constantly at war. the safavids were located between the monghul and the ottoman empires. the religion played a major role. the safavids were shiite muslims and the ottomans were sunnies.
  • Jan 1, 1520

    rule of Suleiman

    the ottoman empire enjoyed being under the rule of Suleiman becausa he brought them a golden age. he was called Suleiman the magnificent because he was a brilliant general, he modernized armies and conquered many new lands.
  • Jan 1, 1526

    Mughal India

    Turkish and mongol invaders poured through the mountain passes in india. Leading them was Babur who claimed to be a descendent of Genghiz Khan and Tamerlane. He was a millitary genius, a poet and an author of a fasinating book of memories.
  • Jan 1, 1529

    Suleiman advances

    under his rule he pushed deeper into europe. he was able to gain control over almost all of hungary through diplomacy and war.his armies sent waves into the austrian city of Vienna.he failed to take Vienna but the ottoman empire was still the largest and most powerful in all of europe and the midle east.
  • Jan 1, 1556

    Akbar the Great 1556-1605

    Akbar was Bubar's grandson and chief builder of the mughal empire. Akbar reigned from 1556 to 1605. during his time at rule he created a very strong centural government giving him the name Akbar the Great.
  • Qajars dynasty

    while the safavid empire was declining the Qajar dynasty took control of iran. they made Tehran there capital and ruled until 1925. allthough the safavids were gone they planted shiite traditions in iran.
  • Fall of the Safavids

    the safavid glory slowly faded after the death of Shah Abbas. one reason for the fall was constant pressure from thr ottoman empire. Shiite scholars started to stress their authority to interpret law. Sunni afghans rebelled. they defeated armies captured Isfahan and forced the last safavid ruler to give up.
  • Babur and mughal dynasty 1526-1857

    In No time Babur swept the rest of the Dheli sultanate away and created the Mughal dynasty that would rule from 1526 to 1857. Bubar and his heirs conquared an empire that stretched from the himalayas to the Deccan plateau.
  • Fall of Jerusalem

  • New rule

    The city of Baghdad reached its peak under the rule of caliph Harun al-Rashid. For centries in both the europe and muslim world Harun was seen as a model ruler. He was viewed as a symbol of wealth and splendor.
  • Decline of the caliphate

    Abbassis control over the Arab empire split up. In Spain,Egypt and elswhere, indipendent dynasties ruled seperate muslim states.Due to the caliphs power fading civil wars broke out and Shiite rulers took over the empire.