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Islam In Africa

  • 570

    Muhammad is Born

    Muhammad is Born
    Muhammad, who is considered the founder of Islam is born in Mecca
  • 615

    Immigration Beginnings

    Immigration Beginnings
    While Muslims had previously occupied parts of Africa, this is widely considered to be the beginning of Islam's rise to power within the African region. Muslims had traveled to this area to avoid persecution from the Makkans
  • 622

    Negus Converts

    Negus Converts
    Powerful ruler and African king, Negus becomes one of the first powerful rulers to convert to the practices of Islam. He did so through a series of letters and ultimately a meeting between him and the prophet
  • 900


    During this time we see a growing numbers of interested individuals from surrounding areas, including those within Africa. We can begin to see a large amount of important and influential figures converting to the Muslim faith as well as contributing funds leading to the construction of Mosques.
  • 1000

    Trade Takeover

    Trade Takeover
    Islam continues to spread and takes over Nigeria which is considered a popular trade point. Muslims then establish the city of Timbuktu, giving islamic control over the area including major trade routes. This area was also important to the education of Muslims, allowing them to learn to read and write
  • Fall of Muslim Rule in Africa

    Fall of Muslim Rule in Africa
    As militant forces decent upon Africa due to their knowledge of abundant gold and other natural resources, the grip of Islam begins to lessen and eventually major Islamic cities are taken oven over. While many Muslims are welcome to stay within Africa, they are no longer considered the ruling power.
  • Slave Trade & Islam

    Slave Trade & Islam
    During the 1800's Europeans began capturing native africans for their use in the slave trade. Muslim Africans were not at all immune to this and many were taken from their homes and forced into the slave trade. Around 30% of the slaves taken were of Muslim faith (pbs.org)
  • Todays Africa

    Todays Africa
    In 2017 Islam is considered the second most practiced religion in Africa, coming in second to Christianity. Though It is technically the second most practiced religion, the divid of Africa is relatively even with most of the North practicing Islam while much of the South practices Christianity.