Isareli/Palestinian Conflict

By nb20157
  • Partition

    United Nations voted to begin partitoning, then the British controlled Palestine into Arab & Jewish states.
  • Israel declares Independence

    • There was 6 Arab state attacks
    • Israel defeats the Arab army, then enlarges their territory
    • Control of Jerusalem was devided between Jordan and Israel
  • Six Day War

    • After Arab discontent decades later, the relationships between Jewish Isarelis and Arabs grew worse
    • Egypt sends away United Nations peacekeepers, and begins preparing army. Israel launches a surprise attack
    • Syria, Jordan, and Iraq all join the fight. Israel conquer the Arab forces
    • Isarelis took East Jerusalem, the West Bank from Jordan, Gaza & Sinai from Egypt. Then the Golan Heights from Syria
  • Period: to

    The Present

    • Isarelis have created and kept up with their settlements
    • Even though some of their actions are illegal, they still expand their Jewish Communities
    • Communities are surrounded by safety zones where the Palestinias are not allowed to farm on, or use the roads around them
  • Yom Kippur War

    • Egypt & Syria launch a surprise attack on Yom Kippur from Sinai & Golan Heights
    • Egypt & Syria gains from the attack, but Isarelis avoid both armies. & the declare a cease-fire
    • Israel the withdraws from some parts of Sinai and the Golan Heights
  • Peace Making

    • After the Yom Kippur war, peace was beginning to surface
    • Egyptian President made a surprise visit to Israel
    • Egypt becomes the FIRST Arab nation to actually recognize Israel
    • Israel withdrawls from the remaining Sinai
  • Palestinian's Attacks

    • Palestinians were becoming enraged due to Israels occupation of the West Bank & Gaza
    • Stone-throwing and attacking Israli soldiers
  • Period: to


    • First suicide attack occurs on the civilians
    • Violence starts to grow