Intellectual Development

By RyanMaj
  • Mercantilism

    Policies designed to promote overseas trade between a country and its colonies and accumulation of precious metals by requiring the colonies to only trade with the mother country. This was important because this restriction eventually led to rebellion in the colonies and indepenence in the colonies.
  • Industrialization

    The transformation of the economy, enviornment, and living conditions occuring first in England. Mass production and division also falls into this category making it significant because it led to the masse export of different items and is also the reason Britains power increase.
  • Declaration of the Rights of Man

    Declaration of the Rights of Man
    Statement of fundamental political rights at the begining of the French Revolution by the National Assembly. This was important because it showed intellectual development in the lower classes of France and displayed their awareness of their rights.
  • Personalist Leaders

    Personalist Leaders
    Political leaders that direct citizens outside the the authority of constitution and laws. For this date we refer to those in the Americas such as Andrew Jackson and Jose Antonio Paez. Was important because it led to many small movements that had massive effects on the government.
  • Utopian Socialism

    Utopian Socialism
    An alternate philosiphy to industrial capitalism by building self-sustaining communities whose inhabitants work cooperatively. Is important because it was a new ideology or way to think.
  • Nationalsim

    A belief, creed or political ideology that involves an individual identifying with, or becoming attached to, one's nation. This was important because it was a new philosiphy or ideaology that showed pride in one's nation.
  • Abolitionist Movement

    Abolitionist Movement
    Men and women who made a movement to end slavery. These people supported civil unrest in order to accomplish their goals of ending slavery. Major change would not come into affect until later in the 1860's with the American civil war, which was hevaily influenced by this movement.
  • Socialism

    An economic system characterised by social ownership of the means of production and co-operative management of the economy. Led to the founding of socialist or Labor parties in Europe.
  • British Reform Act of 1832

    British Reform Act of 1832
    The passage of this act, completely reformed voting rights and regulations accross England and Wales. This act granted seats in the House of Commons to new industrial cities and allowed for more people to vote for their representation. This Act also took away seats from some smaller boroghs.
  • Revolutions of 1848

    Revolutions of 1848
    Democratic and Nationalist revolutions across Europe that begin with France. Thes revolutionary ideals of France spread to nations such as Italy and Germany which soon had small scale uprisings among the different sub-territories. Both the Italian and German Revolutions would fail while the French Revolution would be successful.
  • Woman's Rights Convention

    Woman's Rights Convention
    Gathering of women in Seneca Falls, New York to disscuss the issues that women faced. The meeting of 300 people produced a document, The Declaration of Sentiments, that outlined the grievences of women against the oppressive society. Thirty-two men and sixty-eight women signed the docuent. It is considered to be a major influence in brining about change in womens rights.
  • Taiping Rebellion

    Taiping Rebellion
    Civil war in Qing China that lasted until 1864 and threatened to topple the Qing Empire. This movement was lead by Hong Xiuquan who claimed to be the younger brother of Jesus. The instigators of this rebellion hoped to gain rights for all citizens including women, increased public lands, and to replace Buddhism and Confucianism with Christianity. This rebellion failed and the Qing Dynasty remained in power.
  • Sepoy Rebellion

    Sepoy Rebellion
    Revolt of Indian soldiers against practices that violated their religious customs. The revolt was aimed at the British East India Company that dominated India at the time. This rebellion lead to a greater sense of nationalism in India even though the British government was able to supress it. As a result the British East India Company lost power in India and the British Government took direct control.
  • Liberalism

    Political ideology that emphasizes the the civil rights of citizens, representative government, and the protection of private property. This movement responded to urbanization and industrilaiztion. Liberalism also supported the Laissez-faire idealogy that was seen in Europe and America.
  • Emancipation Reform of 1861

    Emancipation Reform of 1861
    Series of reforms through which the Russian ruler Alexander II emancipated the serfs. Though the serfs were still forced to work in tedious and low paying jobs, these reforms signify the westernization and modernization of Russia.
  • Imperalim

    Imperalism is the domination of a foreign land by another. This idea became especially significant in the mid 19th century when European powers were dividing up Africa. Imperalism is important because it eventually leads to colonialism in the late 1800's.
  • Young Ottomans

    Young Ottomans
    Movement of young intellectuals to institute liberal reforms in the Ottoman Empire. This group of people hoped that by re implementing Islam into society and that by modernizing along with the rest of europe that they could preserve the Ottoman Empire. This group also worked to write and implement the Ottoman Consitiution of 1876 that clearly defined rights of citizens.
  • Labor Unions

    Labor Unions
    Organizations formed by industrial workers to defend their interests in negotiations with employers. Almost all major industry had some sort of labor union for around this time period. These unions were extremely segragated against women at the time as most unions had banned women from being a part of them.
  • Indian National Congress

    Indian National Congress
    Movement and political party to demand greater Indian participation in government. The congress was created with the hopes that well educated Indians might be able to gain some access and say in the british control over their counrty.
  • Anarchist

    Revolutionaries that wanted to abolish all private properties and governments, usually with violence, and replace them with free associations of groups. These anarchists were associated with and blamed for much crime and destructive terrorism accross Europe leading up to World War I.
  • Free-Trade Imperialism

    Free-Trade Imperialism
    Economic dominance of a weaker country by a more powerful one while maintaining legal independence of the weaker state. Many nations used this against their respective colonies. The primary example of this form of imperalism was Britian's economic dominance of India.