
  • Monroe Doctorine

    The Monroe doctrine prohibited europe to interfere in the American Hemisphere and prohibited America to interfere in any conflict within Europe
  • Opium Wars

    The opium wars where a series of wars between England and China because China shut down the drug trade in China. China lost million in silver
  • Period: to

    Berlin conference

    The Berlin Conference was set up in order to set boundaries and end confussion over africa. The meetings where attended by the European powers that determined the 50 countries it has now split up into
  • Boer war

    After years of peaceful living the discovery of diamonds and gold had caused conflict between the Boers and the Orange free states. The fighting had increased exponentially and soon gone into all out war. The British had crushed the Boers.
  • revolution of 1911

    Also known as the Chinese revolution, the Chinese got rid of their last empire. Created the first Chinese republic
  • Panama Canal built

    president Theodore wanted a part of Panama in order to create a faster trade route. Helped Panama become liberated and offered 10 million dollars for 10 miles.