
By MouaSKE
  • Immigrant A

    Immigrant A
    Rashad Brady was born on January 23rd, 1916. He was born in France.
  • Historical event 1

    Life as a child was really difficult. We has very litthe money and my dad was the only person in the family who has a job. We barely had any food, but thankfully, we had enough o survive. We almost lost our home but lickily we kept it.
  • Historical event 2

    I left France to America because I needed money and whatever to help my family. I also came to gain my freedom and try to bring the rest of my family over.
  • Historical event 3

    I hope to make money and have jobs and have freedom for my family.
  • historical event 4 part 2

    historical event 4 part 2
    When I first entered america, I was really confused t first. I was really lost and had no place to sleep so basically I was homeless for a couple of days. Then finally I had a job as a painter and now I have a job and a place to sleep.
  • Historical event 4

    When I entered america, it was historical to me. When I first entered Ellis Island, I saw the Statue of Liberty and there were so many people who were amazed by the statue and everybody was speechless. When we first went off the boat we had to wait at east 3 hours. When we finally made it we had to tell them my name an I told them Rashad Brady. Then I had to get a shot so that I wont bring any diesases in to america. Then I passed everything to enter america and here I am in america.
  • Historical event 5

    My purpose to write this autobiography is to explain how a man struggles through his life. So he went to america to make money and gain freedom for his family and eventually succed in life but also fails alot.