Immagration Biography (Immagrant A)

By wadeGS
  • Birth Of Peadar

    I was born in Dublin, Ireland, in 1819. Growing up in Ireland money was very tight. We didnt have much money to spend on anything other than what we needed. Most of the clothing i got was already used by my older siblings. And sometimes we had to borrow food from neighbors when we ran out. My parents didnt always get along when we had these issues. Eventually, my parents decided it would be best if they got a divorce. After that, my father fled to America. And i was left with my mother.
  • Entering Ellis Island

    I arrived to Ellis Island. My jaw dragged along the ground, as i aboarded the island. Starring straight up, eyes wide, mouth open, breathless, stood everyone. We were all so shaken by the sight of this giant, beautiful statue. Freedom, Liberty for all. This woman, standing tall and proud, represents the meaning of America. It is truely miraculous.
  • Doctor's Exam at Ellis Island

    I stood in line until i faced the doctor. I moved up one step when the doctor told me to stand still. He grabbed my face firmly and pulled on one of my eyelids. He flipped one inside out, looked for a few seconds, then the next one. It was excruciating pain throughout my entire face. But i passed, and im off to explore America!
  • Hired

    I met a man, named Boss Tweed. He introduced himself to me, and told me he could guarantee me success. So i accepted this offer, and he fulfilled it. He introduced me to my future boss, an owner of an oil industry. I got a job working in the mines. In return, Mr. Tweed asked me to vote for him upcoming elections. I agreed. Working in the mines was a tiring job. I mostly got along with my co-workers, but the labor itself was painful. I wasn't getting payed much, and i was working a lot of hours.
  • Jobless

    I not only lost my job, but i've also lost friends. The factory i worked for had a horrible upset. The factory ignited in flames, and burnt to the ground. The company went out of business, and everyone was jobless, including me. Back to bottom, i need to search, again. It was as bad because i had some expeirence. Also, i've saved up, i rent an apartment, and i have enough money to pay for a few months rent in advance.
  • Back in business

    I dont know exactly how it even happened. I got a job building skyscrapers. I started on the feild, actually do the labor. I was in the lowest position, making the least amount of moeny, working the most hours. I helped build most of the major building in cities. Then, as time went on, i worked myself higher. I went from the construction worker to the site manger. Then from the manager to the project manager. Now, im president of the company, making every decision to be made. I'm rich!