Europe after the Fall of Rome

  • Period: 500 to Nov 3, 1450

    Even though the Eastern and Western Europe were once part of the same Roman Empire, they both evolved into something completely different from each other.

    Even though the Eastern and Western Europe were once part of the same Roman Empire, the two parts went their separate ways in terms of developement of cultures,state-builidng, and a little bit of interactions between human and environment.
  • 537

    Hagia Sophia

    The Hagia Sophia represented one of the several achievements and changes during the Justinian rule. One of the examples of how Byzantine and Christainity. This also shows just how great of a time it is to build such a spectauclar structure such as this one. In contrast the Western half build structures of gothic styles rather than more dome shaped.
  • 565

    Justinian's death

    Justinain's death led to the halt of his reconquest of Rome and made his successors have to defend the land against the Arabs, a change leading into the fall of Byzantine. Starting the invasions from Persians,Arabs, and Turks.
  • Nov 3, 1054

    The Greath Schism

    An arguemnt has developed whether what kid o fbread to use for the last supper , which led to the excommunication from both sides east and west on each other. This was a huge change as this split the religon into two branches Roman Catholic, and Eastern Orthodox.
  • Nov 3, 1095

    First Crusades

    Pope Urban II wanted the First Crusade to attack Islam, a small part of the impulse to expand. This idea even though similar to the Eastern European idea of reconquering their land, differed in that it was a different area. This however was a start of a major change, due to the fact that it would start several other crusades, and even the capture of Jerusalem at one point.
  • Nov 3, 1215

    Magna Carta

    The Magna Carta was signed by John to limit the monarchy, to have the monarchs have less power, and increasing th freedom and power of the churches. In contrast the, buearcracies were created in Eastern Europe and the empires ruled churches, but nonetheless this was a change in the governement of the West.
  • Nov 3, 1300

    Hundred years war

    The Hundred Years War was the English and the French fighting for dominance of some of Western Europe. The Eastern Europe did not have such an internal split, but did have to defend against outside threats. This was a time of continutity just due to the fact of how long this war lasted.
  • Nov 3, 1348

    Black Death

    Western Europe took heavy the black death. This plague will continue until the end 1400. This event I count as a continutiy due to the fact that this contributes to the breaking up of Western Europe, contrary to Byzantine which stayed as a whole.
  • Nov 3, 1402

    Cathedral of Notre-Dame

    The Cathedral of Notre-Dame is one example of their continuity of belief towards their religion. The style of this piece of architecture was that it was built in a gothic style, with arches, and spires, contrasting with the Eastern dome shapes.
  • Nov 3, 1453

    Fall of Constantinople

    The fall of Constantinople symbolized the fall of the Byzantine empire. This was a great change signaling the final end for Byzantine.
  • Kievan Rus

    Rurik was the prince of a monarchy which emerged from the city of Kiev and will be known as the Kievan Rus eventually becoming Russia. This was a whole new world, a whole new empire forming which is a change. This was similar in terms that there are new empires in a region, but in this case they dont fight each other.