
  • the lifetime of lucy

    lived 4 million years ago
    was a biped
    didnt make tools
  • homo habilis

    lived 2 million years ago
    made simple tools
    taller than lucy
  • homo erectus

    lived 1.8 million years ago
    made fire
    did not hunch over
  • neanderthals

    lived in a community
    lived around 500,000 years ago
    more stocky or stronger
    larger brain
  • homo sapien sapiens

    modern humans
    made cave paintings
    made clothes
    long range weapons
    smaller brain
  • begin of sumer

    people started to trade
    in doing so they got better resources
    with those materials they made cities and farms surrounding them
  • the epic of gilgamesh

    was best found in a 7th century bce library
    was an ancient myth or folktale
    passed down by generations as a story not a book
  • abraham

    believed in monotheisim
    took people to cannan
    started judaisim
  • hammurabis code

    very brutal
    controlled the people of ancient sumer
    made by the sun god Shamash
  • joseph goes to eygpt with the isrealites

    joseph is sold as a slave by his brothers
    interprets the pharohs dream
    becomes visier
    the isrealites follow him to eygpt where they stay for over 500 years
  • moses exodus and the ten commandments

    moses leads the isrealites out of eygpt and into cannan
    the pharohs troops follow them but get caught in the red sea which moses parted
    the isrealites complain and then god makes the ten commandments to keep them in order
  • the time of judges

    Approx. the middle of the 13th century to the middle of the 11th century BCE
    deborah is the profit of the land
    she soloves everyones problems
    she helps them alot
    she went with a general into battle
    ruth is a person who had a lot of things when she left
    ruth would glean for food
  • the reign of david

    Approx. 1013-973 BCE
    david is ruths great great grandson
    david killed goliath with one rock from a string
  • elijah

    Approx. 875-853 BCE
    he was a profit for God
    he tried to convince a king and queen to believe in god
    he proved that his God was real
  • siege of lachisch

    701 bce
    was brutal
    people were banished or exiled
    resistance wasnt tollarated
  • siege of jerusalem

    587 bce
    was in judah
    was like lacisch
    was made by nebbercadezzer the babylonian king
  • Indus Valley Civilizations

    the indus valley civilazations consisted of farmers
    they held water sacred
    they were peacful
    2000 BCE
  • The Aryan Invasion and the Vedas

    the aryans were the foreigners that conquered the indus
    they were war-like people
    they praised men gods
    1700 BCE
  • The Ascetics and the Upanishads

    the Asctecs were like monks
    they seperated themselves to be religious
    the upanishads were their stories
    700-500 BCE