Dumbraveni church inside

History of the Eucharist

  • 100

    The Last Supper

    The Last Supper
    Jesus said goodbye to his disciples
  • 100

    First Epistle to the Corinthinas

    First Epistle to the Corinthinas
  • Period: 100 to 200

    Second/Third Centuries

    Once the apostolic community was no longer on the scene, the developing liturgy increasingly used, read, and reflected on the writings of the first-generation leaders such as Paul. When Jewish-Christians were no longer welcome at the synagogue service, they added its prayers, singing, chanting, and homily to the eucharistic liturgy. Today, we recognize this development as the liturgy of the word.
  • 150

    Written Description of Rite

    Written Description of Rite
    St Justin writes about the rite that is used today
  • Period: 300 to Jun 11, 700

    Fourthto Eigth Centuries

    Significant changes occured with the liturgy
  • Jun 11, 1215

    Fourth Lateran Council

    Fourth Lateran Council
    Law was passed to allow the lay people to receive communion at least one time in a calander year
  • Jun 13, 1570

    Pope Pius V

    Pope Pius V
    Pope Pius published a roman missal that officially explained the ritual
  • Changed Law

    Changed Law
    Devotion to the blessed sacrament continued to flourish, although people rarely received communion until 1910, when Pope Pius X permitted children who attained the age of reason to receive holy communion and encouraged frequent communion by all the faithful.
  • Constitution of the Sacred Liturgy

    Constitution of the Sacred Liturgy
    This was formed with the second vatican council. This renewed all the sacraments that the church undertook
  • The Eucharist Today

    The Eucharist Today
    The altar now faces the people. Today's mass includes the Prayer of the Faithful, which links the eucharistic worship to the whole church, the world, and the suffering in the community. Active congregational participation is an important feature of the post-Vatican II liturgy. Before, we commonly spoke of "attending mass." Today, we emphasize "celebrating the eucharist." The mass is not a private affair. It is public worship in which the community, led by the priest, join in t
  • The Eucharist Today

    The Eucharist Today
    We celebrate the mass in the vernacular language so we can understand more fully what the mass means. The liturgy of the word has greater importance. Guidelines instruct the homilist to develop the homily based on the readings. The Sunday readings revolve around a three-year cycle. This emphasis has helped Catholics discover the scriptures.The altar now faces the people. This invites a clearer understanding of what is going on at the eucharist.
  • Latin Language Change

    Latin Language Change
    Latin becam the language of the liturgy
  • Period: to Jun 11, 1400

    Theologists Debate

    Theologians of this era debated the meaning of the "real presence" of Christ in the eucharistic bread and wine. They used the term transubstantiation to describe the mystery of the bread and wine being changed into Jesus' risen body and blood although the appearance of bread and wine remained. Large churches, the stress on the sacrificial nature of the mass, the growing sense that the laity were spectators to a drama unfolding on the altar all led to a feeling that the consecration was the high