History of the Byzantines

  • 330

    Emperor Constantine l founded the Byzantine Capital

    Emperor Constantine l founded the Byzantine Capital
    Constantine rebuilt the Greek city-state of Byzantium and then renamed it after him, Constantinople. He made Constantinople the new capital of the empire.
  • 532

    Nika Revolt (riots)

    Nika Revolt (riots)
    Riots and devastating fire swept Constantinople,builds were destroyed and many dead. To restore roman glory, Justinian launched a program to make Constantinople grander than ever. Which was to rebuilt the church of Hagia Sophia.
  • 537

    Hagia Sophia completed

    Hagia Sophia completed
    Hagia Sophia's immense, arching dome improved on earlier Roman buildings. The interior glowed with colored marble and embroidered silk curtains.
  • Feb 7, 1054

    Great Schism

    Great Schism
    It's about the division of the Orthodox and Roman churches. This happened because of the differences of philosophical understanding, liturgical usage, language, and customs.
  • Feb 7, 1095

    Emperor Alexios l contacts Pope Urban ll for military help in Middle East

    Emperor Alexios l contacts Pope Urban ll for military help in Middle East
  • Feb 7, 1204

    Fourth Crusade

    Fourth Crusade
    began to ask the rulers of Europe to participate in a fourth crusade, again attempting to take Jerusalem away from the Ayyubids who ruled there
  • Feb 7, 1453

    Fall of Constantiople to the Ottoman Turks (official end to Byzantines)

    Fall of Constantiople to the Ottoman Turks (official end to Byzantines)
    As the empire continued to decline, it faced a new threat, this time from the Ottoman Turks. In 1453, finally fell to the invaders led by Mehmet II. (From lesson 4, text 6, pg 5)
  • General Belisarius Military Campaigns

    General Belisarius Military Campaigns
  • Early Islamic military campaign into Byzantine territory

    Early Islamic military campaign into Byzantine territory
  • Emperor Basil ll military conquests of Bulgaria

    Emperor Basil ll military conquests of Bulgaria