History Of Science Timeline

  • 8700 BCE

    The Stone Age

    The Stone Age
    The Stone Age was a point in time throughout history where humans resorted to using stone for a lot of tools and structures. The Stone Age ended when the Bronze age began. https://www.history.com/topics/pre-history/stone-age
  • 4000 BCE

    Human Civilization

    Human Civilization
    Human Civilization began in the time period of 4000 to 3000 BCE When the rise of agriculture allowed people to develop trade and economic stability. https://www.nationalgeographic.org/article/key-components-civilization/
  • 3000 BCE

    The Bronze Age

    The Bronze Age
    The Bronze age was the start of human first using metal. Bronze tools would eventually replace the inferior stone versions. The Bronze age helped formed the first writing systems and also the invention of the wheel. Its unknown why the Bronze age ended around 1200 BCE https://www.history.com/topics/pre-history/bronze-age
  • 2000 BCE


    In this time period humans would discover that they could find cures for certain diseases in plants and minerals, this ingredients would still be used in today's day in age.
  • Period: 1046 BCE to 950

    Chinese Dynasties

    The Chinese Dynasties occurred in the early civilization of China and there where many wars that occurred in order to figure out who would be the emperor of China.
  • 800 BCE

    The Iron Age

    The Iron Age
    People across European and Asian countries discovered Iron and steel around this time and started making weapons and tools out of this metal. This metal was essentially a way better option than its previous predecessors like stone and copper. https://www.history.com/topics/pre-history/iron-age
  • Period: 428 BCE to 348 BCE


    Plato was an ancient greek philosopher who was a student of Socrates and he also taught Aristotle. He dived into studies like philosophy, theology, cosmology. He founded the Academy of Athens, one of the first institution for higher learning in the west.
  • Period: 384 BCE to 322 BCE


    Aristotle was a great figure in and had a huge impact on greek philosophy. He made important contributions to physics, biology, psychology, and mathematics. He was the first to develop a formal system for reasoning. He had many Ideas on how the earth and the stars functioned and anyone who disagreed with him would be backed by large evidence for his reasoning. https://iep.utm.edu/aristotl/
  • 400

    The Greek Empire

    The Greek Empire
    Like the Chinese Dynasties, Europe would also have trouble finding its lead in power and this would lead to many wars throughout Europe in order to found one ruler.
  • Period: 500 to 1500

    Science in the Middle Ages

    The Middle age would be a prominent time period for many scientific discoveries.
    Things like clocks, measurements for speed, and bifocals were invented. Medicine was also being developed in the middle ages. A famous scientist by the name of Glenn would make many scientific discoveries with human anatomy however some of it was inaccurate because he had to carry his experiments using animals. During this time period people started to separate religion from scientific discoveries.
  • 1100

    Hildegard of Bingen

    Hildegard of Bingen
    • Saint Hildegard was a German writer, composer, philosopher, Christian mystic, Benedictine abbess, visionary, and polymath.
    • She would have many visions growing up, her first being the vision of a cow when she was three years old, She would have many of these visions which would help her carry out her writing. -She had many visions throughout her life that where accurate and helped people view god in a different way.
  • Period: 1300 to


    The Renaissance period was a time in Europe where society changed culturally, artistically, economically, and politically. The Renaissance Period prompted the rediscovery of of classic philosophy, literature and art. Some of the greatest Philosophers, Artists, and scientists began there work in this time period and brought a broader light to the way we think today. https://www.history.com/topics/renaissance/renaissance
  • Oct 12, 1492

    "Americas Discovery"

    "Americas Discovery"
    Around this time Christopher Columbus set assail and not only discovered that the earth wasn't flat but also discovered America.
  • 1500

    The Middle Age

    The Middle Age
    In this Time period Colonization throughout most of Europe would begin. This is after after the fall of Greece and the start of the renaissance period where Europe would drastically change there civilization. https://www.history.com/topics/middle-ages/middle-ages
  • Period: 1550 to

    Scientific Revolution

    The Scientific revolution refers to a time period where many Historical changes where made to science, In this time period the old greek views of science has been replaced by more factual science. Many scientific tools to further study science where also invented in this time period things like the telescope, microscope, clocks, and measurements for speed where invented.
  • Galileo Galilei

    Galileo Galilei
    Galileo made contributions to the science of motion, astronomy, and he helped the development of the scientific method. Galileo gained most of his notability in his inventions like the telescope and the microscope which were tools that greatly helped scientific study.
  • Age of Enlightenment

    Age of Enlightenment
    In this time period Science would have a universal idea of what science was, things like basic Biology, Chemistry, and Physics would be well understanded. Instruments like the Telescope, Microscope, and clocks would also be invented to help further scientific discoveries.
  • Independence

    The thirteen colonies of America would eventually gain its indapendce from Great Britain.
  • Charles Darwin

    Charles Darwin
    Charles Darwin was Born February 12, 1809 and died on April 12, 1882. Charles Darwin was from the United Kingdom. He studied at the University of Edinburgh and would continue his research in Cambridge, England.Charles Darwin was an English Naturalist who began the Theory of Evolution which is the idea that humans evolved from apes. He also closely examined the biology of all living creatures as a whole.
  • Civil War

    Civil War
    This would be a war in early America between the North and the South due to a disagreeance on many subjects, mainly slavery.
  • Americas Industrial Revolution

    Americas Industrial Revolution
    Around this time in America many factories and railroads would be built to catapult Americas Industrial Revolution.