
History of Health Care

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    First recorded surgery

    First recorded surgery
    The earliest known surgery was proformed around 2750 BC
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    460 BC, birth of Hippocrates 'Father of Medicine'. He believed that diseases resulted from and imbalance of the four bodily humors (blood, phlegm, yellow bile and black bile)
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    considered the most important since Hippocrates. He is known for his advances in anatomy, physiology, and pharmacology
  • Cardiovascular System

    Cardiovascular System
    William Harvey published a book describing the process of the cardiovascular system. (how the heart pumps the blood to all parts of the body and returns to the heart and circulates)
  • Sir Humphry Davy

    Sir Humphry Davy
    Sir Humphry discovered the anesthetic properties of nitrous oxide, but dentists do not use it for anesthetic another 45 years
  • Stethoscope

    Rene Laennec invents the stethoscope
  • X-Rays

    Physicist Wilhelm Conrad Roentgen discovers x-rays
  • Blood Transfusion

    Blood Transfusion
    The first successful human blood transfusion using ABO typing techniqe
  • Pacemaker

    Paul Zoll developes the first pacemaker to control irregualr heart beats
  • Transplant

    The first transplant was preformed by Dr. Joseph E. Murray between two identical twins
  • In Virto Fertilization

    The first "test-tube baby" was born in the UK
  • Artificial Heart

    Artificial Heart
    Barney Clark had the first artificial heart transplant done by Dr. William DeVries. Clark died 112 days later
  • HIV

    HIV was identified
  • Dolly

    Dolly the sheep was the first animal to be cloned from and adult cell
  • Genome

    Scientists completed a draft of the human genome. Which means that they can now identify single genes that cause diseases.
  • Bionic Limbs

    Bionic Limbs
    Scientists have made it possible for apputees to live like everyone else. They have created new technology that can sync computer chips from nerves in joints, to Bluetooth devices that coordinate movement. They also have 3-D computer models that customize socket designs,