History of Ancient Israel History

  • 164


    The Jews revolt against the Selevcid Kings under the leadership of the Maccabees brothers
  • 175


    Tnesion bewteen traditionalists and those embracing Greek ways came to a head during the reign of Antiaochus IV Epiphanes, a Hellenistic ruler of Syria, the nation than held political sovereignty under the land of Israel
  • 430


    Ezra the scribe set the precedent of reading for hours from the Torah scrolls in a public square
  • Feb 15, 620


    A major religious revival takes place in the southern Kingdom of Judah
  • Feb 15, 722


    The northern Kingdom of Israel is destroyed by the Assurians
  • Feb 15, 1010

    King David

    King David
    The Israelites establish a Kindgom, first under Saul(1050-1010) and then under King David (1010-970)
  • Period: Feb 15, 1050 to

    Ancient Israel Timeline

  • Romans

    The Romans conquer Judaea and soon install the family of Herod the Great as rulers of Judaea (the fours of these are actually from BCE 63,,,but it doenst work on my computer)
  • Hasmonian Family

    Hasmonian Family
    This Kingdom lasted only until its conquest by the Roman general Pompey in 63, and was the last independent Jewish nation until the twentieth century
  • Pompey

    The Roman general Pompey was called in from Syria in 63 to choose between contenders to the Hasmonian throne, but he took over the country instead. Under Roman rule, a popular belief grew among Jews that a Messiah would come at last to reque the people from their sufferings
  • romans

    Two great Jewish rebellions against the Romans end in destruction of the Temple and the explosion of the Jews from near Jerusalem
  • King Soloman

    King Soloman
    David's son Soloman becomes King and he builds the Temple in Jerusalem
  • Solomon's death

    Solomon's death
    After Soloman's death, Israel divides into two Kingdoms. Judah in the South and Israel in the North
  • Babylon

    Judah and Jersualem are destroyed in a serios of invasions by King Nebuchadezzar of Babylon. The leading men of Judah are taken into exile in Babylon.
  • Persian

    The Persian King Cyrus allows the exilkes back, and encourages them to rebuild the Temple in Jerusalem