
History Class Timeline 2014-2015

  • The Declaration Of Independance

    The Declaration Of Independance
    On this day was the sighning of the Declaration Of Independance in Philadelphia Pennsylvania. This was when the founding fathes signed the Declaration and made America free from the King.
  • Eli Whitney and the Cotton Gin

    Eli Whitney and the Cotton Gin
    This was when an American inventor who patented the cotton gin, a machine that sped up the production of cotton by speeding up the process of removing the seeds from the cotton (
  • The Louisiana Purchase

    The Louisiana Purchase
    This was when the United States bought the region of Louisiana from the French for 15 million dollors (America: The Story of US, Westward).
  • Lewis and Clark Journey West

    Lewis and Clark Journey West
    This was when Mariwether Lewis and William Clark ventured accross the nation to look for a passage of water that stretches accross the nation (America: The Story of US, Westward).
  • The Steamboat (Robert Fulton)

    The Steamboat (Robert Fulton)
    This was when the steamboat was invented and revolutionized water travel. It helped people get their supplies down to New Orleans so they could sell them. But they were very dangerous and many blew up (
  • The Trail of Tears

    The Trail of Tears
    This was when the Native American teibe that were east of the Mississippi River were forced to move west of the river and walk the whole way. They didn't want the Native Americans being in their society because they thaught they would be in the way (McDougal-Littel,403).
  • The Texas Revolution

    The Texas Revolution
    This was the war between the government of Mexico and texas colonists. Political and cultural conflicts between Mexico and American settlers (
  • The alamo

    The alamo
    This was when the Texans were defending the Alamo from the Mexicans fro their freedom from mexic. The battle was won by the Mexicans cousing most of the Texans to move east McDougal-Littel,430).
  • The Mexican American War

    The Mexican American War
    This was when an armied conflict took place between the United States and the Centralist Republic of Mexico (
  • The Donner Party

    The Donner Party
    This was when the Donner Party set of on their jouney to a new life but will turn out to be a tragedy. When they went into the mountains one axel of their wagon broke so they would fix it the next day, but overnight it snowed and they had to eat their group members who died, in order to survive (America: The Story of US, Westward).
  • The California Gold Rush

    The California Gold Rush
    This was when gold was found in California and sparked the rush of people with dreams of beign rich. People from different countries cam too, it wasn't just Americans who went (
  • Attack On Fort Sumpter

    Attack On Fort Sumpter
    This date is when the attack on Fort Sumpter started and started the American Cival War. The attack lasted two days between the United States and the Confederate States and was then surrendered.
  • The Assassination Of Abraham Lincoln

    The Assassination Of Abraham Lincoln
    This was the day that Abraham Licoln was shot by John Wilkes Booth in Fords Theater watching a play, and he died later in a house accross the street.
  • The Attack On Pearl Harbor

    The Attack On Pearl Harbor
    This day is when the Japanese attacked the US base in Pearl Harbor, and started World War 2.
  • The Hiroshima Bomb

    The Hiroshima Bomb
    This was the day when an atomic bomb was dropped on the japanese town of Hiroshima.
  • Supreme Case: Brown v The Board of Education

    Supreme Case: Brown v The Board of Education
    This date was when school segragation was banned from public schools. The Court declared state laws establishing separate public schools for black and white students to be unconstitutional.
  • The Death Of Elvis

    The Death Of Elvis
    This was the day when popular american singer Elvis Presly died. He died from drugs in his system.
  • My Birthday

    My Birthday
    This is the day of my birth
  • Attack On World Trade Center

    Attack On World Trade Center
    On this day a terrorist group highjacked two planes and flew them into the world trade center in New York. Casing the two towers to collapse.