

  • The firt industrial Revolution

    The firt industrial Revolution
  • Period: to

    Firts industrial Revolution

    It start in the UK ( it was a process of economic, social and technological transformation) and it ends in 1840 ( It ended after spreading through much of Western Europe and the United States)
  • Period: to

    The American Revolution

    It start with the Boston Tea Party (The tea riot took place on December 16, 1773 in Boston, Massachusetts, in which an entire shipment of tea was thrown into the sea) and ends with the US Constitution 1787 (the supreme law of the United States of America)
  • The American Revolution

    The American Revolution
  • France Revolution

    France Revolution
  • Period: to

    French Revolution

    It start with The Meeting of General States ( After the nobility and clergy had favored treatment for years the citizens grew weary and they stormed the bastille prison (July 14, 1789)) and ends when Napoleon Bonaparte gives a coup in November 1799
  • Period: to

    The Napoleonic Empire

    It start when he crown him-self emperor in 1804 and end with the fall of Napoleon 1814 ( before bein defated by Spain and Russia he left the power, and then he return but he was defated other time and exiled to St Helena were he died in 1821)
  • Period: to

    The Independence of Spanish America

    Due to a series of war conflicts that occurred between 1808 and 1824 between the former colonial possessions in America that sought their independence from the Spanish Empire, facing the side of the patriots against the side of the royalists.
  • Napoleonic empire

    Napoleonic empire
  • The European Absolutist Restoration

    The European Absolutist Restoration
  • Period: to

    The European Absolutist Restoration

    it start in 1814 and end in 1830 (After the fall of Napoleon Bonaparte in 1814, the Allies restored the House of Bourbon to the French throne. The period that ensued was called the Restoration, characterized by a sharp conservative reaction and the reestablishment of the Catholic Church as a political power in France.)
  • Revolution of 1820

    Revolution of 1820
  • Period: to

    The liberal revolutions of the first half of the 19th century

    The Revolution of 1820,Liberals in Spain, portugal, Naples, Russia... rose up against absolutist regimes, at the end they imposed absolutism
    The Revolution of 1830, Began in France,with the ousting of Charles X an the implementation of the constutional monarchy of Louis-Philip
    The revolution of 1848,Began in france where Louis-Philip was ousted from power and french second republic created.The revolution reach prussia,Austria-Hungary.Revolutionaries demanded more rights,social equality...
  • The Independence of Spanish America.

    The Independence of Spanish America.
  • Revolution of 1830

    Revolution of 1830
  • The revolution of 1848

    The revolution of 1848
  • The Unification of Italy

    The Unification of Italy
  • Period: to

    The Unification of Italy and Germany.

    Unification of Italy(1859-70) the Piedmontese defeated the Austrians in 1859 and united most of Italy under their rule by 1861. The annexation of Venetia in 1866 and papal Rome in 1870 marked the final unification of Italy.
    Unification of Germany(1864-71)the President of Prussia, provoked three short, wars against Denmark, Austria, and France, aligning the smaller German states behind Prussia in its defeat of France. In 1871 he unified Germany into a nation-state, forming the German Empire.
  • The Unification of Germany.

    The Unification of Germany.
  • Period: to

    Second Industrial Revolution

    It strart in 1870 (It refers to the interrelated changes that occurred between approximately 1870 and 1914 when the First World War began)It spread to various countries and gave rise to the emergence of great industrial and economic powers such as Germany, France, the United States. It end in 1914 when the second world war starts
  • Second Industrial Revolution

    Second Industrial Revolution