Health Plan

  • Years 20 through 29

    I will eat healthy, exercise frequently, refrain from using drugs, smoking, or drinking unhealthy amounts, and chew slowly to be more healthy. I will also get plenty of sleep to help my mental health, drive safely and with my seat belt always fastened, and keep my skin healthy with sunscreen and other lotions.
  • Years 30 through 39

    In these years, I will use the similar health strategies that I did with the 20-29 years, but since my metabolism will have slowed down, I will exercise more, and reduce my stress levels, which will be high then.
  • Years 40 through 49

    In my forties, I will be trying to reduce my risks of cancer, chronic disease, and other problems that come with aging, by eating plenty of fruits and veggies, having good posture, reducing my stress however I can, and getting screening for cancer, blood pressure, cholesterol, and blood sugar, while getting my usual physical and dental checkups.
  • Years 50 through 59

    In these years, I will be trying to stay in physical shape, by eating plenty of fruit, vegetables, and other nutritious goods while staying away from too salty foods and too much alcohol. I will get screened for skin and colorectal cancer, among others, and keep up with my checkups. Finally, I will try to challenge myself mentally everyday with hobbies or brain games.
  • Years 60 through 69

    In these years, I will try to reduce my risk of heart disease, which is quite dangerous with people in their sixties, by checking my cholesterol, blood pressure, triglycerides, blood sugar, and BMI frequently. I will also be preparing for retirement, but continue exercising and eating healthy. I will stay up to date on my checkups and screenings, and see my healthcare provider regularly.