Greece Timeline: Battles and Events

  • 500 BCE

    Athens and Spartans Government

    Athens government has evolved from different types of government from Monarchy, Oligarchy, tyranny and then direct democracy. Draconian laws were made that meant harsh laws and Solonian laws were made to repel Draconian laws and that was the part of the tyranny.Spartans had Oligarchy and their government had laws that were militarized and harsh but had freedom for women.
  • 490 BCE

    The Persian War: The Battle of Marathon

    The Persian War: The Battle of Marathon
    The Battle of Marathon was one of the battles that the Athens Repelled against the Persian Empire.This battle was won, by the Athens coming up with a new technique called the, Phalanx Formation, which basically is a formation made up by foot soldiers standing side by side with a shield and a spear in the city states of Marathon. After their victory, Pheidippides ran 26 miles to inform the Athens about there victory at Marathon! And the marathon race was named after the battle that occurred.
  • 480 BCE

    The Persian War: The Battle of Thermoplyae

    The Persian War: The Battle of Thermoplyae
    The Battle of Thermopylae was another of the battle that the Persian Empire failed to conquer Athens. In order for the Athens to win against Xerxes from taking over Athens the 300 Spartans + 7000 other Greeks join in against the 10000 Persians. 300 of the Spartans tried to held Thermopylae, at a mountain pass, they lasted for 3 days but eventually lost because of their sheer numbers. Eventually found a secret passage around the mountain pass( given by a Greek traitor, making Athens the winner.
  • 480 BCE

    The Persian War: The Battle of Salmis

    The Persian War: The Battle of Salmis
    This battle was when the Athens obliterated the much larger naval force in Salamis. Themistocles, lured the Persian fleet into narrow waters where they massed the Persian ships, which they had difficulty maneuvering. After that the Greek attacked furiously, ramming and even sinking the Persian vessels, the Greeks sank about 300 boats for the Persians. The other ships of the Persian fleet were scattered, Xerxes they postpone his land attack for a year and that gave the Greek-states time to unite.
  • 449 BCE

    The Perisan War: Post-War

    The Perisan War: Post-War
    This Occurred after Greece were liberated from the threat of the Persian Empire. Athens became very wealthy and powerful because of the Delian League, which was created as an alliance with the other Greek city-states in order to fight off the Persian Empire and the Athens were chosen as the leaders of it. Athens made powerful army with the funds they received also they had large empire with colonies along the Black Sea, Turkey, and in the Mediterranean Sea. Athens started bullying other states.
  • Period: 431 BCE to 404 BCE

    The Pelonnesian War

    After the Athens became too powerful because of the Delian League they started Bullying the other city-states to joining them. The Spartans rebbled against it and started the Peloponnesian League. Perciles, the leader of the Athens bring the citizens behind the city walls. Athens were in a good spot to win but however, a plague goes in the 2nd year of the war and 1/3 of the population of Athens died including Pericles, which ended up for Spartans Victory.
  • 323 BCE


    Alexander's empire combined the knowledge of 4 great empires(Greece, Persia, Egypt, and India). This combination was from the Greek influence with Eastern ideas created a new culture known as Hellenic culture. Alexandria, Egypt was the most important city for Hellenistic culture was a city of knowledge for many years. Mathematicians, scientists, and philosophers were studied at Alexandria. There was also Hellenistic art, where they made realistic statues where it showed people looking natural.
  • 320 BCE

    Alexander the Great Conquer

    After the Peloponnesian war, Philip II conquered Greece after it was weakened. He died at Age 20 during his daughter's wedding and then the Alexander the great took over as the next leader. He was educated and trained as a military officer by the philosopher, Aristotle. Alexander the conquered Greece + Persian Empire as well as Anatolia, Egypt and India). After coming back from India he died at the age of 33 due to malaria and the empire was split among his generals.