Goal Setting Timeline

By bb1204
  • Period: to

    In order to try and receive scholarships for college I will complete two applications per month for the next 8 months, in hopes have a portion of my tuition payed for.

  • Determine what colleges I am interested in and make a list of scholarships that apply to that school, in order to fill them out later.

    Determine what colleges I am interested in and make a list of scholarships that apply to that school, in order to fill them out later.
  • Check the school newsletter for scholarship opportunities, and write down ones that are applicable to me.

    Check the school newsletter for scholarship opportunities, and write down ones that are applicable to me.
  • Talk to people at my place of worship about scholarship opportunities

  • Speak with friends and family, and get input on possible scholarships, or other financial aid programs I may not know about.

    Speak with friends and family, and get input on possible scholarships, or other financial aid programs I may not know about.
  • Analyze my progress and current results and decide what us best for my future.

    Analyze my progress and current results and decide what us best for my future.