Motudo mobile phone with big screen clip art 23436

Goal Setting Timeline

  • I plan to save $200 for a new phone in 2 months by taking $50 out of my bi-weekly checks instead of spenidng in on other things that I do not necessarily need.

    I plan to save $200 for a new phone in 2 months by taking $50 out of my bi-weekly checks instead of spenidng in on other things that I do not necessarily need.
  • Period: to

    Smart Goal

  • Take $50 out of my first paycheck and put it into my savings

    Take $50 out of my first paycheck and put it into my savings
    Starting with $50
  • Take out another $50

    Take out another $50
    I would now have $100
  • Take another another $50

    Total would be $150- $50 away from a new cell phone
  • Take another $50 out of my paycheck

    Take another $50 out of my paycheck
    I have reached my goal!!!