Goal Setting Timeline!

By Sky102
  • Find a better paying job.

  • Period: to

    Saving Money SMART Goal

  • Put $100 from each paycheck into savings.

  • Cut down on buying things I want and dining out expenses.

  • Don't completely spend rest of paychecks!


    S- I want to have at least 2000 in savings by the time I am 18.
    M- I will have at least $2000 in savings.
    A- Budget my money. Make sure I am only buying needs. Put away at least $100 into savings from every paycheck. Find a better paying job.
    R- It would be worth the trade offs because I would be eating out less which saves me money and is good for my health.
    T- It's a short term goal that I want to achieve by August 27th.