Short Term Goal Setting

By ihass
  • SMART Goal

    SMART Goal
    S- I will save for my Spring Break Trip to florida.
    M- I will save $500.
    A- I will save $500 by saving my money, picking up more shift at work, and not spending money on useless things and food.
    R- I will be giving up spending money, but it will be worth it because it's worth going on a fun trip.
    T- I have until February to save because I will have to pay for possible flights before march.
  • Step 2- Meet with parents

    Step 2- Meet with parents
    We will all meet with parents to discuss our options and to make sure everything is ok.
  • Step 1- Meet with friends

    Step 1- Meet with friends
    I will first meet with friends to see if they want to go on vacation. We will talk about our ideas and what to ask our parents and to have a list of facts and our plans.
  • Step 3- Pick up more shifts

    Step 3- Pick up more shifts
    I will pick up more shifts at work to save money
  • Step 4- Budget

    Step 4- Budget
    I will budget my money and only spend it on needs, not wants.
  • Step 5- Book

    Step 5- Book
    I will book flights and hotels as early as possible to make sure that I will be getting the best possible prices.
  • Step 6- Spring Break

    Step 6- Spring Break
    Go to spring break with my friends. I will make sure to use budgeting skills to insure that I wont run out of money while on vaca.